ITU's 160 anniversary

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SG20 Last Meeting Executive Summary

Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 20 Meeting, Forum on Internet of Things in Smart Sustainable Cities: A New Age of Smarter Living and Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things and Smart Cities and Communities
(Singapore, 18-26 January 2016)

Numbers and other links

Major accomplishments

Two collocated activities

Dates of next SG20 meeting and interim Working Party meetings

Map of meeting reports & Liaison Statements (as seen by the SG20 Plenary)

  Q1/20 WP1/20 WP2/20
Meeting Report & Work Programme TD223 Rev.1 TD 142 Rev.3 TD 143 Rev.2

Liaison Statements
(17 in total)

TD 174 Rev.4

TD 174 Rev.4

TD 174 Rev.4

Summary of Questions' Results

Question 1/20 summary

Question 1/20 had a successful meeting. Five new work items were adopted, including: Y.HEP, Framework for Home Environment Profiles and Levels of IoT Systems; Y.SCC-Terms, Vocabulary for Smart Cities and Communities; Y.IPv6RefModel, Reference Model of IPv6 Addressing Plan for Internet of Things Deployment by Smart Cities, Public Administrations and Companies; Y.IPv6-suite, Reference Model of Protocol Suite for IPv6 Interoperable Internet of Things Deployments; IPv6-IoT Supp, IPv6 Potential for the Internet of Things and Smart Cities. One input liaison statement was reviewed, and one output liaison statement was formally finalized. The Question is planning on holding e-meetings and a Rapporteur meeting in Geneva in May 2016.

Question 2/20 summary

Q2/20 had a very successful meeting. Q2/20 completed 25 sessions within which all 37 Contributions received were reviewed along with 11 TDs. Two joint sessions were successfully held with Q4/20 to discuss and take decisions concerning relevant inputs related to the transportation area. All Work Items were progressed with significant inputs from the floor, lively discussions and dedication from all the participants. The Draft Recommendation Y.IoT-DM-Reqts (Common requirements and capabilities of device management in IoT) was proposed for Consent. 3 new Work Items were proposed for approval and 1 outgoing Liaison Statement was prepared. Q2/20 agreed also to revise Recommendation Y.2067 “Common requirements and capabilities of a gateway for Internet of things applications”.

The meeting also progressed the development of a template of use cases (application domain-oriented at the current stage of discussions) for possible adoption in the future. It was agreed to hold at least one Interim Electronic meeting (with selected topics) and at least one physical Rapporteur meeting before the next SG20 meeting scheduled for 25 July - 5 August 2016: A Q2/20 Interim Electronic Meeting is planned for 30-31 March and 4-5-6 April 2016, while the Interim Physical Rapporteur meeting is planned for 2-13 May 2016.​

Question 3/20 summary

The assigned documents to Question 3/20 were addressed in 7 sessions during 18-26 January 2016, in Singapore, within the SG20 meeting under the chairmanship of Dr. Shane He (Nokia Solutions and Networks). Q3/20 adopted the agenda in TD 167. Question 3/20 discussed 10 contributions and 3 incoming liaison statements. During the meeting, Q3/20 has made progress on 5 draft Recommendations. At the meeting, Q3/20 produced 7 output documents including revised texts of ongoing draft Recommendations, living list and the meeting report.

The main results of the meeting are as follows:

Question 4/20 summary

The assigned documents to Question 4/20 were addressed in 14 sessions during 18-26 January 2016, in Singapore, within the SG20 meeting under the chairmanship of Dr. Abdulhadi AbouAlmal (Etisalat, United Arab Emirates) and with the assistance of the Associate Rapporteur, Mr. Leng Chye (IDA, Singapore). The group adopted the agenda in TD 172. Q4/20 discussed 21 Contributions including Liaison Statements. During the meeting, Q4/20 has made progress on 3 draft Recommendations and has agreed to submit 2 new work items for SG20 approval as initial draft recommendations. At the meeting, Q4/20 produced 16 output documents including revised texts of on-going and initial draft Recommendations, living list and the meeting report.

The main results of the meeting are as follows:

Question 5/20 summary

Question 5/20 discussed seven Contributions, four TDs from the previous meeting and one Liaison Statement. Q5/20 decided to develop one new draft Recommendation:

Four Draft Supplements were submitted for Agreement:

Q5/20 made progress on two ongoing draft Recommendations. At the meeting, Q5/20 produced nine output documents including the meeting report, one initial text of a new draft Recommendation and two revised texts of ongoing draft Recommendations.

Question 6/20 summary

Question 6/20 made good progress on four ongoing work items. Two new work items were approved based on contributions made by Spain: Platforms interoperability for smart cities and communities and Telecommunication systems as infrastructure in smart cities and communites.

Four supplements were submitted for Agreement:  

There was also a joint Q5/20 and Q6/20 meeting that reviewed seven contributions made by Spain. One incoming liaison statement was reviewed, and one outgoing liaison statement was prepared. Question 6/20 is planning to hold a series of e-meetings and a physical Rapporteur meeting in Geneva in May 2016

Recommendations Consented by SG20 at the closing Plenary

"Requirements of smartphone as sink node for IoT applications and services"

TD 226 Rev.1

 ITU-T Y. IoT-DM-reqts
"Common requirements and capabilities of device management in the Internet of Things"

 TD 207 Rev.2


Recommendations Approved by SG20 on the closing Plenary (according to A.8 §5)

None at this meeting.

Recommendations Decided by SG20 on the closing Plenary

None at this meeting.

Other texts approved by SG20

Supplements TD
Y.Supp 27 (Y.Supp.framework-arch-SC), Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series: Smart Sustainable Cities - Setting the framework for an ICT architecture, for agreement TD 247 Rev.1
​Y.Supp 28 (Y.Supp.IMSC), Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series: Smart Sustainable Cities -Integrated management, for agreementTD 248 Rev.1
Y.Supp 29 (Y.Supp.MSinfra), Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series: Smart Sustainable Cities - Multi-service infrastructure in new-development areas, for agreement TD 246 Rev.1
Y.Supp 30 (Y.Supp.Overview-SC-infra), Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series: Smart Sustainable Cities - Overview of smart sustainable cities infrastructure, for agreement TD 245 Rev.1
Y.Supp 31 (Y.Supp.SC-buildings), Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series: Smart Sustainable Cities - Intelligent sustainable buildings, for agreement TD 244 Rev.1
Y.Supp 32 (Y.Supp.SC-guide), Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series: Smart sustainable cities - a guide for city leaders, for agreement TD 243 Rev.1
Y.Supp 33 (Y.Supp.SC-plan), Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series, Smart Sustainable Cities - Master plan, for agreement TD 242 Rev.1
Y.Supp 34 (Y.Supp.SC-stakeholders), Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series, Smart Sustainable Cities - Setting the stage for stakeholders' engagement, for agreement TD 241 Rev.1

Recommendations agreed for deletion by SG20

None at this meeting.

Updates in the SG20 management team and Rapporteurs

(Click here for the complete list of SG20 Rapporteurs)


New Appointments:

Representatives and other roles:

Forthcoming events:

 Executive Summary from previous meetings: 2015-10
