24 March - 4 April 2014
ITU-T Study Group 15
Networks, Technologies and Infrastructures for Transport, Access and Home
Study Group 15 Chairman: Stephen Trowbridge
Study Group 15 held its second meeting of the 2013-2016 study period in Geneva from 24 March-4 April 2014, attended by 301 delegates representing 56 countries.
The meeting received 323 contributions and 436 TDs, similar in numbers of input documents to plenary sessions of the previous study period. The meeting observed the 12-day contribution deadline of revised Recommendation ITU-T A.1, and nearly all of the contributions to this meeting were submitted using Direct Document Posting (DDP).
SG15 approved eight texts (one new Recommendation, two revised Recommendations, two Corrigenda and three Amendments) and consented 19 texts (4 new Recommendations, 6 revised Recommendations, 7 amendments, and 2 corrigenda). Agreement was reached on one amendment, one revised supplement, and one guide.
SG15 authorized 17 interim Rapporteur group meetings to be held prior to the next SG15 plenary, 18 virtual meetings, and generated 51 liaison statements.
The next plenary meeting of SG15 will be held 24 November-5 December 2014 in Geneva.
In fulfilling its lead study group responsibilities, SG15 revised the
Access Network Transport (ANT) standards overview and work plan, revised the
Optical Transport Networks and Technologies (OTNT) standardization work plan, and revised the
Smart Grid standards overview and work plan, and created a first version of the
Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan.
reports from WP Chairmen and SG15’s promotion coordinators
Innovation and marketing, bridging the standardization gap, conformance and interoperability testing
Coordinator: Helmut Schink
The meeting examined an update on the C&I status from TSB as well as a number of liaison statements from SG11. Several issues on terminology have been clarified. SG15 is entering testing for G.hn and will work on the topic with HGF and SG11 to start a pilot project. SG15 further asks SG11 to reduce the workload for SG15 maintain the mandate of the study groups. SG15 is interested to stay informed about the coordination activities performed by SG11.
SG15 reviewed the liaisons from FG Innovation and congratulates FG Innovation for the good work. Several experts represented SG15 on high profile conferences and the effort will continue to be coordinated. The communiqué of the CTO meeting was reviewed and some issues of relevance for SG15 were identified.
The meeting also noted the work on BSG, including the guidelines for national standards secretariats and e-learning for A-series recommendations and invited all to consider ways how to better engage experts from developing countries to participate in SG15.
WP1/15 - Transport aspects of access, home and smart grid networks
WP1 Chairman: Tom Starr
The list of Conformance and Interoperability Testing activities in other organizations related to technologies based on Recommendations from WP1/15 was updated
Q2/15 focused its work on the G.989 series, G.984.5, G.multi, G.9801ig, and G.sup.RoF.
The G.989 series took the majority of time at this meeting with a target is to complete the G.989 series by December.
Q4/15 work focused on G.fast last call comments resolution for G.9701. Minor updates were made to Rec. G.9700 based on contributions and iLS from ITU-R. Contributions on an amendment to VDSL2 were also discussed.
Q15/15 discussions focused on the new work item on Smart Home and a liaison to CEN-CENELEC and ETSI SGCG regarding the continued inaccuracy in their Smart Grid reports.
Q18/15 addressed resolution of last call comments on draft ITU-T G.9961 Amd.2, G.9961 revised, G.9963 Cor.1 and G.9972 Cor.1. Also, Q18/15 prepared an initial draft text for ITU-T G.9979 to align with draft IEEE 1905.1a.
WP2/15 -
Optical technologies and physical infrastructures
WP2 Chairman: Francesco Montalti
One new and one revised Recommendation plus one corrigendume were consented: Corrigendum1 to G.979 “Monitoring system for optical submarine cable systems”, revised G.976 “Test methods applicable to optical fibre submarine cable systems” (Rev.), and new Recommendation L.93 “Optical fibre cable maintenance support, monitoring and testing systems for optical fibre trunk networks”
New work items were agreed including new Recommendations, G.metro, L.fmc, L.91 and for the new Supplement on fibres and cables reliability.
Two Questionnaires were approved: “Micro-duct technology and its application in the access network” and “Plant solutions for FTTdp (fibre-to-the-distribution point) architecture”
The “Supplement 42 to ITU-T G-series Recommendations” and the technical paper “Guide to the use of the ITU-T Recommendations of the L-series related to optical technologies for the Outside Plant” were agreed.
Future activities include Q5/15 work on the revision of Recommendations G.650.2, G.652 and G.657. A revision of G.654 will also be investigated considering required features for terrestrial use. The incorporation of link design attenuation G.6xx recommendations and the methodology will be discussed.
The current highest priorities of Q 6/15 are to establish sets of parameters and associated values to enable multi-vendor interoperability for the various modulation formats for 40G and 100G application codes in a revision of G.698.2, and development of low-cost metro applications on the basis of wavelength-agnostic endpoints in draft Recommendation G.metro.
WP3/15 - Transport network characteristics
WP3 Chairman: Ghani Abbas
In its second meeting in the study period WP3 presented fourteen texts for consent, including two new and five revised Recommendations, six amendments and one corrigendum. In addition, one amendment was agreed. WP3 also initiated activity on five new work items addressing, architecture of SDN control of transport networks, timing characteristics for packet transport clocks for frequency synchronization, timing characteristics of assisted partial timing support slave clocks, Guidance to performance measurement by Ethernet OAM, and a generic protocol-neutral management Information Model for transport network elements.
In fulfilling of its Optical Technology and Optical Transport Network co-ordination role, WP3/15 updated the Optical and other Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan.
In the area of MPLS-TP, Recommendation G.8131 (MPLS-TP – Linear Protection) was revised. Additionally, an amendment to G.8112 “Interfaces for the MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) layer network” was agreed. This amendment adds Appendix II on bandwidth requirements for MPLS-TP transport.
In the area of Optical Transport Network (OTN), a new amendment to Recommendation G.798 “Characteristics of optical transport network hierarchy equipment functional blocks” was consented. The amendment adds material to G.798 (02/2012) to complete the management interfaces of the optical modulation and wavelength multiplexing processes for support of WDM interfaces. Additionally, OTN linear protection Recommendation G.873.1 was revised. Furthermore, the generic linear protection Recommendation G.808.1 was revised.
A new amendment to the Ethernet management Recommendation G.8051 “Management aspects of the Ethernet Transport (ET) capable network element” was consented. The amendment updates the requirements for on-demand and proactive measurements, including loss measurement and delay measurement.
Significant progress was also made on transport of frequency, time and phase over packet networks, where a new Recommendation G.8273.2 “Timing characteristics of telecom boundary clocks and telecom time slave clocks” and a new Recommendation G.8275.1 “Precision time protocol telecom profile for time/phase synchronization with full timing support from the network” were consented.
Recommendations G.8264 “Distribution of timing information through packet networks” and Recommendation G.8265.1 “Precision time protocol telecom profile for frequency synchronization” were revised. Amendments to G.8260 “Definitions and terminology for synchronization in packet networks”, G.8261.1 “Packet Delay Variation Network Limits applicable to Packet Based Methods - Frequency Synchronization”, G.8263 “Timing characteristics of packet-based equipment clocks” and G.8271.1 “Network limits for time synchronization in Packet networks” were consented. A corrigendum to Recommendation G.8273 “Framework of phase and time clocks” was also consented.
The latest SG15 Rapporteur meeting plan is at:
The latest Status of Recommendations is reflected in the Work Programme at:
1f8a81b9b0707b63-19211.webchannel-proxy.scarabresearch.com/ITU-T/workprog .
Previous meetings