11 May 2012 Working Party 1/15 - Transport aspects of Access networks and home networking
Working Party 1/15 Chairman: Tom Starr
Overview of the 10th Working Party 1/15 meeting of the 2009-2012 study period
In accordance with the decisions taken at the last meeting of SG15 in December 2011, an interim meeting of Working Party 1/15 was held in Geneva on 11 May 2012 in order to take actions on draft Recommendations and interim activities. This meeting was paperless.
The meeting Determined one draft amendment; Consented three draft revised Recommendations and four draft corrigenda; and Agreed one supplement. Two outgoing Liaison Statements to ITU-R were agreed. The agreements included corrigenda for PON- and DSL-related Recommendations and revised ITU-T G.987, ITU-T G.994.1 and ITU-T G.997.1, which integrate several existing amendments and corrigenda. The Determined amendment to ITU-T G.9955 added a new optional coherent mode of transmission to Annex D for operation over the FCC frequency band and a new Annex G that specifies an extremely robust mode (ERM) for improved coverage.
Progress on ITU-T G.fast, providing up to 1 Gbit/s over copper lines, included agreements on functional requirements from service providers, modulation characteristics and framing. Progress on ITU-T G.hn included resolution of nearly all Last Call comments and specifications for mitigation of noise between neighbour networks.
Interim activities were agreed as described in section 6 of TD698/WP1, these included:
· one additional physical meeting of Q4a/15 on 5-9 November 2012 in Chengdu, China;
· seven new teleconferences; and
· a revised plan for the July/August meetings in Redwood City, California.
5-16 December 2011 Study Group 15 - Optical transport networks and access network infrastructures
Study Group 15 Chairman: Yoichi Maeda
Overview of the sixth Study Group 15 meeting of the 2009-2012 study period
Geneva, 16 December 2011, the plenary meeting of the sixth Study Group 15 meeting of the 2009-2012 study period drew to a close with a total of 69 draft new and revised texts including three TAP approved Recommendations, nine AAP approved Recommendations, 56 draft consented texts and one agreed text. It also included the agreements to submit one text to the WTSA, to change one text from AAP to TAP, to delete four Recommendations and to send 31 outgoing Liaison Statements. 385 delegates represented 40 countries with 402 Contributions and 608 Temporary Documents. These figures were similar to the last SG15 meeting in February 2011.
The meeting used the experimental 12-day submission deadline for Contributions with Direct Document Posting system accounting for around 90% of submissions. During the opening and closing plenary sessions on 5 and 16 December, audio casting was provided to enable the meeting to be followed remotely; the archived audio files can be found at:
Study Group 15 is the focal point in ITU-T for the development of standards on optical transport networks and access network infrastructures, systems, equipment, optical fibres and cables, and their related installation, maintenance, test, instrumentation and measurement techniques, and control plane technologies to enable the evolution toward intelligent transport networks. This encompasses the development of related standards for the customer premises, access, metropolitan and long-haul sections of communication networks.
The meeting progressed work on Questions related to the key areas: optical and metallic access networks; optical transport network technology and structure. The meeting progressed Lead Study Group studies on Access Network Transport, Optical technologies and Optical Transport Networks. The meeting also reviewed and updated the SG15 work programme and discussed Liaison Statements from/to other groups including IEC, IETF, OIF, MEF, TM Forum, Broadband Forum and IEEE to harmonize the work with the relevant bodies. The meeting provided the first draft texts of new question on the preparation of WTSA-12.
The meeting approved SG15’s appointments, including the appointment of new Rapporteurs, Liaison Rapporteurs and Editors, and also agreed to split Q4/15 into three Questions:
Q4a/15: Broadband access over metallic conductors
Q4b/15: Broadband in-premises networking
Q4c/15: Communications for Smart Grid
The updated study group structure can be found at http://1f8a81b9b0707b63-19211.webchannel-proxy.scarabresearch.com/net/ITU-T/lists/sgstructure.aspx?Group=15&Period=14
The updated list of the SG15’s management members can be found at http://1f8a81b9b0707b63-19211.webchannel-proxy.scarabresearch.com/net/ITU-T/lists/mgmt.aspx?Group=15&Period=14.
The updated list of Rapporteurs for the Questions can be found at http://1f8a81b9b0707b63-19211.webchannel-proxy.scarabresearch.com/net/ITU-T/lists/rapporteurs.aspx?Group=15&Period=14
The updated list of appointed Editors of Recommendations can be found in Work Programme at http://1f8a81b9b0707b63-19211.webchannel-proxy.scarabresearch.com/ITU-T/workprog/wp_search.aspx?isn_sp=545&isn_sg=553
The updated list of appointed Liaison Rapporteurs can be found at http://1f8a81b9b0707b63-19211.webchannel-proxy.scarabresearch.com/net/ITU-T/lists/representatives.aspx?Group=15&Period=14
Key outcomes include:
G.9980 (G.cwmp) was approved under the Traditional Approval Process with a four-week reservation. It reflected the Broadband Forum CPE WAN management protocol (CWMP), commonly referred to as TR-069.
G.9964 was approved under the Traditional Approval Process to specify the control parameters that determine the spectrum-related matters of G.9960 (PLT) with engagement of ITU-R WP1A emissions experts.
A new ITU-T Manual on “Wireline broadband access networks and home networking” was completed with contributions from WP1/SG15 experts.
A new Handbook on outside plant in areas frequently exposed to national disasters was progressed in cooperation with ITU-D.
Two tutorial sessions on power-saving and flexigrids by the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, University of Pisa, were held and well-received.
A networking event, supported by Mitsubishi Electric, Japan, was a great success on 12 December 2011.
Executive reports from WP chairmen and SG15’s promotion coordinators
Innovation and Marketing SG15 Executive Summary; Innovation and Marketing coordinator: Helmut Schink
SG15 has been successfully represented in a number of conferences (ITSF, CEWC, L123, OFC, IPOP, Smart Grid World Forum) on synchronization, optical transport and packet networks, and a plan for the coming months was established.
The work of the focus groups on Cloud Computing and Smart Grids as well as the research project STRONGEST has been reviewed for guidance on the new question texts for SG15. Further tutorial sessions from academia on the flexibilization of optical networks and on optimization of energy consumption in PONs have been held.
Working Party 1/15 - Transport aspects of Access networks and home networking
WP1/15 Chairman: Tom Starr
WP1/15 met during 5-15 December, 2011 with the trial reorganization of Q4/15 as three new questions Q4a/15, Q4b/15 and Q4c/15.
Q1/15: The ANT Standards Overview and Work Plan were revised and new versions were provided to SG15 (http://1f8a81b9b0707b63-19211.webchannel-proxy.scarabresearch.com/en/ITU-T/studygroups/com15/Pages/ant.aspx). Continued review and update by relevant SDOs is requested by outgoing Liaison Statements. The Question 1/15 experts revised the Question 1/15 text.
Q2/15: There were 40 members in attendance. A great number of amendments were progressed, as well as two new work items initiated. Liaisons that were addressed to the question were reviewed, and six outgoing liaison statements were prepared and approved. Modifications of the Q2/15 text were proposed and agreed.
Q4a/15: Broadband Access over metallic conductors met for nine days with much of the time devoted to preparing G.993.2, G.996.2, G.997.1 and G.998.4 for consent. Work also progressed on the other DSL texts, including G.fast Recommendations.
Q4b/15: Broadband in-premises networking met for nine days with much of the time devoted to preparing G.9960 revised, G.9961 corrigendum 1, and G.9963 for approval.
Q4c/15: Communications for Smart Grid met for four days with much of the time devoted to preparing G.9955 for approval, and G.9956 and G.9959 for consent.
Two draft new Recommendations were agreed for forwarding to the SG15 plenary for consent. One draft revised Recommendation was agreed for forwarding to the SG15 plenary for consent. 11 draft amendments and corrigenda to existing Recommendations were agreed for forwarding to the SG15 plenary for consent. 11 draft texts for Approval and 12 draft Liaison Statements were prepared.
Ten interim Rapporteurs’ meetings and teleconferences are planned.
Working Party 2/15 - Optical access/transport network technologies and physical infrastructures
WP2/15 Chairman: Francesco Montalti
WP2/15 consented five revised and three new Recommendations, while four Recommendations were proposed for deletion.
Q5/15: Regarding G.654 fibre, a new category was proposed for submarine applications with more challenging values of attenuation and chromatic dispersion. As G.654 fibre is a key component for the transmission line of optical submarine cable systems, Q8/15 experts are encouraged to provide their opinions to this issue by participating in the corresponding activity led by Q5/15. On G.657 fibre, one of the tasks of the revision is to agree on a definition of compliance and compatibility to be added to the scope of all fibre Recommendations. Moreover, it was decided to limit to 1 km the maximum applicable length of B3 fibre, to minimize the possible effects of PMD, attenuation and chromatic dispersion when this kind of fibre is used in access network links.
The result of a Round Robin Test on the measurements of Multi Path Interference (MPI) led to the development of two alternative measurement methods. Further investigations and testing on the sample preparation are needed.
Q6/15: The revisions of G.664, G.694.1, G.697 and G.664 and the new Recommendation G.698.3 were submitted for consent to the closing plenary meeting of SG15. Revised G.664 mainly takes into account the revisions of IEC 60825-1 and IEC 608525-2. Revised G.694.1 introduces the concept of flexible grids. Revised G.697 takes into account the revision of G.694.1 with respect to the flexible grid. Revised G.959.1 takes into account some agreed modifications with respect to the OTU4, 100 Gigabit Ethernet compatibility, application codes and some other minor modifications. New Recommendation G.698.3 (ex G.sdapp) addresses multichannel seeded DWDM applications with single-channel optical interfaces in metro networks. The main item of work is related to the development of multi-vendor interoperable optical interfaces for 40G applications in G.698.2 using advanced modulation formats.
Q7/15: G.671 was updated, in particular with respect to delay line interferometers and new PON splitter parameters, and put forward for consent. Draft revised Recommendation G.rmon was progressed and the latest version was provided. A new draft Recommendation on field-mountable fibre-optic connectors was proposed; the meeting agreed that additional information was needed and a related correspondence activity was initiated.
Q8/15: The draft of the new Recommendation G.msub “Monitoring systems for optical fibre submarine cable systems” was reviewed. After making some modifications to the draft, it was agreed to continue developing the draft through correspondence activity for the consent at the next meeting.
Q16/15: Recommendation L.coi “Solutions for outdoor installation of ducts and cables in an occupied infrastructure” was prepared but could not be proposed for consent because of some concerns raised during the WP Plenary. Two new Recommendations: “Installation of riser cables” and “Optical fibre cable constructions for a new application” are under consideration
Q17/15: Recommendation L.dmops on disaster management of outside plants was revised. On this subject a reply Liaison to ITU-D SG2 was prepared. Recommendations L.gpsm on global positioning systems and L.omtl, on maintenance support, monitoring and testing system for optical fibre cable networks for trunk will be discussed on the correspondence group on the Q17/15 reflector, with the aim of consent them at the next SG15, together with the revised L.64.
Q18/15: The new Recommendations L.oanbs “optical access network topologies for BB services” and L.dwpg, "Design of suspension wires, telecommunication poles and guy-lines for optical access networks" were agreed for consent. Draft revised text for Recommendations L.47 (10/2000) “Access facilities using hybrid fibre/copper networks” and L.72 (01/2008) “Databases for optical access network infrastructure” will be prepared and distributed using the e-mails reflector for comments and contributions of for the next meeting of SG 15.
Two interim meetings are envisaged for Q5/15 and Q6/15.
Four Recommendations were proposed for deletion (see TSB Circular 246):
ITU-T L.15, Optical local distribution networks – Factors to be considered for their construction.
ITU-T L.42, Extending optical fibre solutions into the access network.
ITU-T L.52, Deployment of Passive Optical Networks (PON).
ITU-T L.65, Optical fibre distribution of access networks.
Working Party 3/15 –Transport network structures
WP3/15 Chairman: Stephen J Trowbridge
WP3/15 presented two new and one revised Recommendations for consideration for approval, four new and fourteen revised Recommendations for consent, together with 11 amendments, five corrigenda and one implementer’s guide.
In fulfilling its Optical Technology and Optical Transport Network co-ordination role, WP3/15 updated the Optical and other Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan (Issue 15).
In the area of MPLS-TP, unfortunately, the deadlock over MPLS-TP OAM has continued. This resulted in a decision to remove OAM protocol specific aspects from the initial versions of the architecture Recommendation (G.8110.1), the equipment Recommendation (G.8121) and the management Recommendation (G.8151). On this basis, the architecture Recommendation was approved and the equipment and management Recommendations were consented. The determined OAM Recommendation G.8113.1 was deferred for consideration of approval at WTSA-12. The approval process for Recommendation G.8113.2 was changed to TAP but was not determined.
In the area of Optical Transport Network (OTN), a new Recommendation was prepared specifying OTN ring protection switching (G.873.2). A revision was prepared to G.709 to add client signal mappings for ESCON, DVB_ASI, SDI, 1.5G SDI and 3G SDI in addition to incorporating all amendments and corrigenda since the 2009 revision. The OTN terminology document G.870 was revised. An amendment and corrigendum were prepared to the OTN equipment specification G.798. An amendment was prepared to G.7044 on hitless resizing of ODUflex, and an amendment was prepared to G.7041 to specify the correct replacement signals for SBCON/ESCON. An amendment and corrigendum were prepared to G.8251 on the control of jitter and wander for the OTN, and Recommendation O.173 on jitter and wander measuring equipment for the OTN was revised. An amendment was prepared to the OTN management Recommendation G.874.
In the area of Ethernet over Transport, the Equipment Recommendation G.8021 and the ring protection Recommendation G.8032 were revised and a corrigendum was prepared to the linear protection Recommendation G.8031. The terminology Recommendation G.8001 was revised and an amendment was prepared to the OAM Recommendation G.8013/Y.1731. A corrigendum was prepared to O.174 on jitter and wander measuring equipment for synchronous Ethernet.
In the area of optical control plane, a revision was made to the ASON architecture Recommendation G.8080, an amendment and an implementer’s guide were prepared to the discovery Recommendation G.7714, and the terminology Recommendation G.8081 was revised.
Work on generic network aspects, revisions were prepared to the generic equipment model in Recommendation G.806, the unified framework architecture Recommendation G.800, an amendment to the generic linear protection Recommendation G.808.1, and a revision of the common equipment management Recommendation G.7710.
Significant progress was also made on transport of frequency, time and phase over packet networks, including a revision of G.8260 (including the definition of the PDV metrics), a new Recommendation G.8261.1 on packet delay variation limits applicable to frequency synchronization over packet networks, a new Recommendation G.8263 on packet equipment slave clocks, and a new Recommendation G.8271 on time and phase synchronization aspects of packet networks. Amendments were prepared to G.8262 (synchronous Ethernet equipment slave clock) and an amendment and corrigendum to G.8264 (timing distribution through packet networks).
WP3/15 began consideration of Question texts for the 2013-2016 Study Period. In addition to updating the texts, WP3/15 intends to merge Q13/15 and Q15/15, and rearrange work among Q9/15, Q10/15 and Q11/15.