ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Terms of Reference

​ICT Security is considered one of the main challenges of developing as well as developed countries. To achieve its goal to build confidence and security in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), ITU has adapted a number of resolutions related to security:

Also enhancing security and building confidence in the use of ICT applications is one of priority domains for objective 3 of the Dubai Action Plan adopted at the 2014 World Telecommunication Development Conference.

Taking into account the above-mentioned Resolutions, and considering WTSA-12 Resolutions 17 (Telecommunication standardization in relation to the interests of developing countries) and Resolution 44 (Bridging the standardization Gap between developing and developed countries) and taking into account Resolution 123 of the Plenipotentiary Conference, the closing SG17 Plenary (17 April 2015)  created the African Regional Group for SG17 as defined in WTSA-12 Resolution 54.


​The main objective of the Regional Group will be to encourage national authorities and operators from countries in Africa to work together and better contribute to ITU-T SG17 activities in general and in particular in line with the SG17 mandate.

Terms of Reference

To encourage active participation of African administrations, regulators and operators in the work of ITU-T SG17 and to report periodically the outcomes and deliverables;

To facilitate the participation of Member States and Sector Members of the African region in ITU-T meetings related to ICT security;

To identify with other stakeholders the relevant priorities of the region in the field of security;

To strengthen standard-making capabilities within the African region in accordance with WTSA-12 Resolution 44 on "Bridging the Standardization Gap" (Rev. Dubai, 2012);

To encourage African countries to contribute actively in developing ITU-T security Recommendations work;

To disseminate and share relevant information provided by ITU-T SG17 and similar technical bodies on security matters;

Assist African administrations, regulators and operators on implementation of ITU-T Recommendations;

To identify training needs on security for the operators and regulatory authorities in Africa and coordinate the organization of technical tutorials in the region on such topics jointly with ITU-T SG17;

Act as liaison body between African administrations/operators/regulators and ITU-T in matters relating to ICT security standards;

To collaborate with the African Telecommunication Union (ATU) and with other regional organizations in Africa;

To encourage discussions on ICT security challenges facing member states in the continent;

To encourage participation of African countries in Rapporteur's meetings, workshops and other ITU-T Study Group 17 events;

To reflect African real problems and needs regarding ICT Security with close collaboration with regional bodies like Africa-CERT;

The regional group will present a progress report of its activities to every SG17 meeting.

Working Methods

​The regional group will mainly work electronically and by correspondence through designated focal points and will consider having face-to-face meetings when possible.​​