- To encourage active participation of the Africa Region Member States, Sector Members, National Regulatory Authorities and Operators in the work of ITU-T SG2, its workshops and other relevant events.
- To urge and stimulate the Africa’s countries to get involved, and to contribute, to the work of ITU-T SG2, and in particular on New/Revised Recommendations developed by ITU-T SG2; this may include submitting consolidated contributions from the region.
- To identify and encourage studies on topics relevant to ITU-T SG2, according to the priorities set by the region. This could include, but not limited to: Fixed and Mobile numbers, identifiers and Codes; Global Shared Codes; M2M, Internet of Things; misuse of national and international numbering resources, Calling Party Number Delivery, Alternative Calling Procedures; impact of the Internet and convergence of services and/or infrastructures, such as OTT, on regional telecommunication networks and services; Digital Financial Services and Telecom Finance; etc.
- To disseminate and share in the Africa region relevant information among the region provided by ITU-T SG2, its workshops and from other related standardization and technical bodies, on Operational Aspects of Service Provision and Telecommunications Management.
- To facilitate the dissemination of information to African experts on important and emerging topics of SG2 available within SG2 or its workshops and tutorials, to be acquainted with these issues and to support their involvement in SG2 through mailing lists and/or physical participation, and to support their capabilities to prepare contributions to SG2.
- To offer help to African potential experts interested in joining and taking part of the e-mail lists informal discussions, to increase participation of African experts in the work related to the Questions.
- To identify specific training needs for operators and National Regulatory Authorities in Africa relevant to the work of ITU-T SG2; and to coordinate the organization of technical in-depth tutorials in the region on such topics jointly with ITU-T SG2.
- To act as liaison between the telecommunication operators, regulators of Africa, regional standardization bodies and ITU-T SG2, to ensure that ITU-T SG2 take advantage of the relevant information on regulations applicable to telecommunication networks and services in Africa, including specific challenges that could be taken into consideration while developing Recommendations.
- To assist African administrations, National Regulatory Authorities and Operators in the implementation of the ITU-T SG2 Recommendations in the region.
- To cooperate with the relevant respective regional organizations, standardization bodies and ITU regional offices.
- To foster the discussion and study of scenarios on the allocation, usage and management of Telecom NNAI resources in the region. As well as to study the challenges experienced in regard to the need of these resources, their assignment, their use and/or misuse, faced by operators and regulators in Africa; and to recommend strategies for the optimal usage of these resources necessary for the effective provision of communications services in the continent.
- To report on its work to the plenary meeting of its parent SG2.
Working methods
The ITU-T SG2 Regional Group for Africa will mainly work electronically and by correspondence through designated focal points and will consider having face-to-face meetings when possible.