IPTV-JCA Terms of Reference
Definition of IPTV "IPTV is defined as multimedia services such as television/video/audio/text/graphics/data delivered over IP-based networks managed to support the required level of QoS/QoE, security, interactivity and reliability."
Objectives - To identify and co-ordinate activity on IPTV across all the relevant ITU-T study groups (currently ITU-T SGs 2, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17) and to liaise with ITU-R, in particular on impacts of and/or requirements for public networks, e.g. NGN.
- To provide a visible contact point for IPTV activities in ITU-T, to seek co-operation from external bodies working in the field of IPTV and enable effective two-way communication with these bodies.
Working methods The membership of the JCA-IPTV is comprised of all ITU-T SG Chairmen, all ITU-T SG Counsellors/Advisors/Engineers, the Chairmen and Counsellor of TSAG and RevCom, and a number of SG Chairmen’s appointees and IPTV contact persons in ITU-T Study Groups. Representative of other SDOs will be considered when appropriate.
The JCA-IPTV works primarily by correspondence, but it can also meet in association with meetings of Study Group 16, when necessary. In addition, urgent issues requiring attention can be flagged up at any time and the JCA can convene as appropriate to take action. JCA-IPTV has set up a Technical and Strategic Review (TSR); its coordinator is tasked with bringing up to the JCA-IPTV any issues requiring guidance or recommendations for action, e.g., concerning work allocation.
Specific tasks - Maintain a list of contacts for IPTV in each study group.
- Maintain a list of designated contacts within the external IPTV bodies.
- Coordinate with any proposed new and revised Questions in the IPTV area.