Number | Document Title | Source |
Doc 077 | LS/i on ongoing collaboration [from ITU-D SG2 Q4/2] | ITU-D SG2 Q4/2 |
Doc 078 | LSi/r on pilot project on the Recommendation ITU-T P.381 (reply to COM12 LS 68) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 079 | LS/i/r on revision of G.1000 and move towards a QoE framework (reply to SG12 LS51) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 080 | LS/i/r on Q4/2 work items for the 2014-2018 study period (reply to ITU-D SG2 Document 2/111-E) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 081 | LS/i/r on C&I vocabulary (reply to ITU-D SG2 - Document 2/111-E -E) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 082 | LS/i/r on Universal catalogue of stakeholders involved in conformity assessment system (reply to ITU-D SG2 Document 2/110-E) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 083 | LS/i/r on updated living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (reply to COM16-LS126) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 084 | LS/i/r on conformity assessment of ICT equipment based on SIP-IMS profile against ITU-T Recommendations (reply to IMTC - LS3) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 085 | LS/i/r on request to all SGs to follow up on the Council 2013 C&I Action Items for implementation by ITU-T SGs (reply to SG9 - LS 90) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 086 | LS/i/r on collaboration between ITU-T and testing laboratories for ITU C&I programme (reply to SG16 LS94) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 087 | LS/i/r on living list of key technologies (reply to SG15-LS181) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 088 | LS/i/r on an Implementers' Guide for Recommendation ITU-T G.9801 (Conformance and interoperability tests for OMCI-EPON) (reply to SG15 LS185) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 089 | LS/i/r on Mobile Number Portability conformity testing against ITU-T Q.suppl.4 (reply to SG2 LS87) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 090 | LS/i on joint collaboration between WP4/11 and ETSI TC INT on SIP-IMS conformance testing activities [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 091 | LS/i on approval of SG11 Guidelines on “Testing Laboratories recognition procedure” (ex. Q.TL-rec-pro) and first meeting of ITU-T CASC [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 092 | LS/i on new work item X.snmp-ics on SNMP interface ICS guidelines [from ITU-T SG2] | ITU-T SG2 |
Doc 093 | LS/i on ITU-T SG11 relevant activities on “Internet Speed Measurements” and proposal for collaboration with OECD [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 094 | LS/i/r on Conformance and Interoperability issues (reply to SG11-LS083 Rev.1) [from ITU-T SG15] | ITU-T SG15 |
Doc 095 | LS/i/r on ongoing collaboration (reply to SG11 - LS 79, SG11 - LS 84, SG11 - LS 68, SG11 - LS 80) [from ITU-D SG2 Q4/2] | ITU-D SG2 Q4/2 |
Doc 096 | LS/i/r on collaboration between ITU-T and testing laboratories for ITU C&I programme (reply to COM11-LS76) [from ITU-T SG16] | ITU-T SG16 |
Doc 097 | LS/i/r on request for representatives in CASC (reply to COM11-LS83R1) [from ITU-T SG16] | ITU-T SG16 |
Doc 098 | LS/i on status of ITU-T Q15/11 activities which are related to “Internet Speed Measurements” [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 099 | LS/i/r on ongoing collaboration (reply to ITU-D Q4/2 – SG2RGQ/79-E) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 100 | LS/i/r on updated living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (reply to COM16-LS 126) [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 101 | LS/i on ITU-T SG11 relevant activities on “Internet Speed Measurements” [from ITU-T SG11] | ITU-T SG11 |
Doc 102 | LS/i/r on vocabulary for conformance and interoperability (reply to SCV LS 8) [from ITU-T SG11) | ITU-T SG11 | |
Doc 103 | Combat of Counterfeit ICT Devices Conformity as a Tool | Anatel, Brazil |
Doc 104 | LS/i on new ITU-T SG20 [from ITU-T SG20] | ITU-T SG20 |
Doc 105 | LS/i/r on relevant activities on “Internet Speed Measurements” (reply to SG11-LS91) [from ITU-T SG12] | ITU-T SG12 |
Doc106 | Report of the 3rd APT/ITU C&I event | Vice-chairman SG11 |
Doc 107 | Agenda for the 7th meeting of JCA-CIT (2013-2016) | Chairman JCA-CIT |
Doc 108 | List of participants | TSB |