The TSAG (January 2012 meeting) agreed the establishment of the Joint Coordination Activity on Cloud Computing (JCA-Cloud) with SG13 as parent group (Cf. TSB Circular 261).
TSAG (June 2013 meeting) endorsed the continuation of JCA-Cloud with revised ToR and SG13 as a parent. Monique Morrow (Cisco Systems, USA) continues in her role as a JCA-Cloud Chairman.
On 1 May 2015 JCA-Cloud was terminated as exhausted its mandate by the decision of its parent group, SG13, at its meeting of April – May 2015.
The scope of JCA-Cloud is coordination of the ITU-T cloud computing standardization work within ITU-T and coordination of the communication with standards development organizations and forums also working on Cloud Computing protocols and standards.
JCA-Cloud is open to ITU Members and designated representatives of relevant Standards Development Organizations and Forums.
Terms of Reference
The JCA-Cloud terms of reference is available here.
Cloud Computing Roadmap
The cloud computing roadmap was entrusted for maintenance to the SG13, Q17/13.
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