What is UISCN ?
An International Shared Cost Number (ISCN) is a unique number assigned to an ROA for its ISCS customer. This number can be dialed in several countries at a rate equivalent to the national call charge in the country of origin. All other service and call-related charges are paid by the ISCS customer.
- The Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the ITU has been requested to perform the task of Registrar for UISCNs, responsible for processing registration requests and assignment of the GSN portion of the UISCN in accordance with ITU-T (new) Recommendation E.169.3 and
- ITU-T Recommendation E.154, "International Shared Cost Service".
Who can apply for a UISCN?
Only an international telecommunication Recognized Operating Agency (ROA), as defined in the ITU Constitution, can submit an application on behalf of the ISCS customer for a Global Subscriber Number (GSN) of the UISCN in accordance with the Recommedations E.169.3 and E.154.
UISCNs will be assigned to ISCS customers who intend to use the ISCS service between two or more countries. In other words ISCS customers offering a service that is only accessed from within a single national, or integrated numbering plan, will not be considered eligible.
To qualify for a UISCN number, the number has to be in-service between two or more countries within 180 days from the date of its reservation with the UISCN Registrar or it will be cancelled.
The UISCN Format
A UISCN is composed of a three-digit CC (808) for a global service application, and an eight-digit Global Subscriber Number (GSN), resulting in an eleven-digit fixed format (CC+GSN).
For example, an ISCS customer's UISCN could be +808 12345678; where + is the international prefix, 808 is the country code for a UISCN, and 12345678 is the ISCS customer's GSN.
All calls to a UISCN must be preceded with an international prefix.
Registration Application Fee
The UISCN Request Form should be accompanied by evidence of payment of the registration application fee for the reservation of the UISCN by the Registrar. The registration application fee is currently 200 Swiss francs.
Method of payment Advance payment can be made:
- by bank transfer to:
ITU Account No. 240-C8-765.565.0
2, rue de Confédération
IBAN: CH96 0024 0240 C87655650
SWIFT No. UBS WCHZH80A Clearing No. 240 - deduction from the applicant's prepaid account
- by Credit Cards
Further information
UISCN Registrar
International Telecommunication Union
Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
Place des Nations CH - 1211 GENEVA 20, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 730 6220
Fax: +41 22 730 6200
Email: universalnumbers@itu.int
More Information
Details of the UISCN system can be found in the ITU-T Recommendation E.169.3 , which can be ordered from the ITU Sales office at sales@itu.int.
Please direct any queries concerning UISCN to the email address above or call our Hotline on +41 22 730 6220.
An applicant may request the same number (where possible) for both a UIFN and a UISCN. However, no priority will be given for such requests. A remark should be entered on the form, indicating that a dual request is required, and the number should be entered as a first choice.