Until 1998, the ITU Global directory contained information both about ROAs that were Sector Members and non-Sector Members, but it now only contains information relating to ROAs that are Sector Members.
The consequence of there not being a p ublished list of all ROAs (including those that are non-Sector Members) might limit the assistance such information can have on, for example, the bilateral exchange of information related to numbering changes or on introducing new international numbering resources.
The status of ROA is used within certain ITU-T Recommendations, e.g. E.118, E.164.1, E.169.1, E.169.2, E.212, Q.708, X.121 as a criterion regarding assignment of international numbering resources. Such a list would assist in the administration of international numbering resources and would facilitate the exchange of information between ROAs, for example, on numbering changes.
The term "Recognized Operating Agency" is defined at number 1008 of the Annex to the Constitution of ITU as: |
Any operating agency, as defined above [see below], which operates a public correspondence or broadcasting service and upon which the obligations provided for in Article 6 of this Constitution are imposed by the Member State in whose territory the head office of the agency is situated, or by the Member State which has authorized this operating agency to establish and operate a telecommunication service on its territory. |
The term "Operating Agency" is defined at number 1007 of the Annex to the Constitution of ITU as: |
Any individual, company, corporation or governmental agency which operates a telecommunication installation intended for an international telecommunication service or capable of causing harmful interference with such a service. |
A consolidated list of Recognized Operating Agencies (ROAs) has been set up, derived from the responses received to TSB Circular 24 of 8 April 2005 and an individual communication was published in the ITU Operational Bulletin under the heading "Changes in Administrations/ROAs and other entities or Organizations".
Administrations of the Member States are invited to inform TSB, on a voluntary basis, of all entities which have been granted the status of ROAs in accordance with Article 6, and Nos. 1007 and 1008 of the Annex to, the Constitution of ITU, using the notification form of the list of Recognized Operating Agencies (ROAs). Administrations can either provide a written list or indicate a website where the information can be found.
Administrations of the Member States are also invited to inform TSB of any new or updated information on the telecommunication operators and service providers to which they have granted the status of Recognized Operating Agency (ROA), in accordance with Article 6, and Nos. 1007 and 1008 of the Annex to, the Constitution of ITU, as contained in the Final Acts of the Additional Plenipotentiary Conference (Geneva, 1992) (preferably electronically, or on paper), by using the Notification Form.