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Home : ITU-T : International Numbering Resources : Recognized Operating Agencies

List of Recognized Operating Agencies (ROAs)

derived from the responses received to TSB Circular 24 of 8 April 2005 or individual communications published in the ITU Operational Bulletin (OB) under the heading "Changes in Administrations/ROAs and other entities or Organizations"

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K |L | M | N | O| P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

- A -
   Antigua and Barbuda

- B -
   Bosnia and Herzegovina
   Brunei Darussalam
   Burkina Faso

- C -
   Cabo Verde
   Cayman Islands
   Central African Rep.
   Congo (Rep. of the)
   Cook Islands
   Costa Rica
   Côte d'Ivoire
   Czech Rep.

- D -
   Dem. People's Rep. of Korea
   Dem. Rep. of the Congo
   Dominican Rep.

- E -
   El Salvador
   Equatorial Guinea

- F -
   French Polynesia

- G -

- H -
   Hong Kong, China

- I -
   Iran (Islamic Republic of)

- J -

- K -
   Korea (Rep. of)

- L -
   Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

- M -

- N -
   New Zealand

- O -

- P -
   Papua New Guinea

- Q -

- R -
   Russian Federation

- S -
   Saint Kitts and Nevis
   Saint Lucia
   San Marino
   Sao Tome and Principe
   Saudi Arabia
   Sierra Leone
   South Africa
   Sri Lanka
   Syrian Arab Republic

- T -
   The Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia
   Trinidad and Tobago

- U -
   United Arab Emirates
   United Kingdom
   United States

- V -
   Viet Nam

- Y -

- Z -


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