ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


ITU Workshop on Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)
Turin, Italy, 9 May 2013

Contact: Ms. Cristina Bueti

THURSDAY, 09 MaY 2013


08:30 - 09:30​ Registration
​09:30 - 10:00
Opening ceremony and opening remarks
​​10:00 - 10:30 ​Keynote speech
​10:30 - 11:00 ​Coffee break
​11:00 - 12:30 Session 1 – Overview on EMF issues
The proliferation of radiocommunication stations in urban environments has raised a need to address public concern regarding human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and possible health effects.
This session will provide a general overview of the problem.
Moderator: Flavio Cucchietti, Telecom Italia
 Questions and answers
12:30 - 13:30​ Lunch
​13:30 - 14:45 ​​​Session 2 Part 1 – EMF exposure standards and the role of policies
This session will address the importance of standardized approaches for evaluating EMF exposure levels and the impact of public policy.
Moderator: Tariq Al-Amri, Saudi Arabia and ITU-T Study Group 5 Vice-Chairman
 Questions and answers
​14:45 - 16:00 ​​​​​Session 2 Part 2 – EMF exposure standards and the role of policies
This session will address the importance of standardized approaches for evaluating EMF exposure levels and the impact of public policy.
Moderator: Tariq Al-Amri, Saudi Arabia and ITU-T Study Group 5 Vice-Chairman
Questions and answers
​16:00 - 16:15 ​Coffee break
​16:15 - 17:45 Session 3 -  Wireless communication devices and base station EMF compliance assessment
This session will look at the EMF compliance of wireless devices and networks.
Moderator: Guy-Michel Kouakou, Ivory Coast
 Questions and answers
17:45 - 18:15​​ ​​Session 4 – Overview of ITU-R and ITU-D Activities on EMF
Moderator: Mike Wood, Chairman of the Workshop and ITU-T Working Party 2/5 Vice-Chairman
Questions and answers
18:15 - 18:30​ ​​Wrap up and close of the workshop

Programme Committee

Special thanks is due to the experts who helped us to shape the programme of this workshop:

Committee member Affiliation
​ALAMRI Tariq H.
Saudi Arabia​
CUCCHIETTI Flavio​ ​Telecom Italia
FAZIO Mauro​ ​Ministry of Economic Development, Italy
GEMMA Paolo​ ​ Huawei Technologies
KESHVARI Jafar​ ​Nokia
LEWICKI Fryderyk​ ​Orange Poland
NAPPERT Hughes​ ​Industry Canada
WOOD Mike​ ​Telstra Operations
ZEDDAM Ahmed​ ​France Telecom Orange
​ZOLLMAN Peter ​Vodafone Group