ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


Quality of Service Development Groups (QSDG) - ITU-T SG12

Maputo, Mozambique, 14 – 16 April 2014


Day 1, Monday -  14 April 2014

​09:00 - 09:30Registration
​09:30 - 10:00​Opening Session
​​​10:00 - 10:30Coffee Break
​10:30 - 12:30

​​Session 1: ITU-T Study Group 12 Activities

Moderator: Louisa Sosu (MTN Ghana) [ Biography ]

Objectives: This session will provide an overview of ITU-T activities in general and ITU-T SG12 activities.


​12:30 - 14:00 ​Lunch
​14:00 - 15:30

Session 2: Broadband Internet Evolution in ITU and broadband infrastructure in Africa and around the world

Moderator: Eric Dunand, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) [ Biography ]

Objectives: This session will discuss the evolution of the standardization work for broadband in ITU. This session will also discuss best practices in the deployment of broadband in the region for Africa and other regions around the world.   


​15:30 - 15:50 ​Coffee Break
15:50 - 17:00

Session 3: International standards for QoS of Broadband/Internet developed by ITU and other standards for QoS of Broadband/ Internet developed outside the ITU.

Moderator: Kwame Baah-Acheamfuor (NCA, Ghana) [ Biography ]

Objectives: This session will give a detailed description of the ITU-T Recommendations on QoS issues for Broadband/ Internet developed or under development by ITU-T SG12. The session will also discuss on other QoS standards for Broadband Internet developed outside ITU, such as ETSI, IETF, DSL Forum, Telecommunication Management Forum etc.     


 *To be confirmed

Day 2, Tuesday - 15 April 2014

​​09:00 - 10:30

Session 4: QoS Provisioning

Moderator: Hiroshi Ota, (ITU/TSB) [ Biography ]

Objectives: This session will give the theory of the Quality of Service Provision.


​10:30 - 11:00 ​Coffee Break
​11:00 - 12:30Session 5: QoE and QoS Monitoring/Measuring in Broadband Internet networks

Kwame Baah-Acheamfuor, (NCA, Ghana) [ Biography ]

Objectives: This session will discuss the KPIs for measuring the QoS and QoE of Multimedia services in Broadband Internet such as  (DL/UL speed, web browsing, file transfer, latency, DNS, VoIP, Streaming, etc.).    



​12:30 - 14:00 ​Lunch Break
​14:00 - 15:30

Session 6: Broadband / Internet QoS/QoE Monitoring Framework

Moderator: Hiroshi Ota, (ITU/TSB) [ Biography ]

Objectives: This session will provide best practices on “QoS/QoE Monitoring Framework” in broadband/ internet networks from regulatory point of view.


15:30 - 15:50Coffee Break
15:50 - 17:00

Session 7: LTE  QoS, QoE and performance

Moderator: Louisa Sosu, MTN Ghana  [ Biography ]

Objectives: This session will discuss the performance and QoS functions in LTE technology. QoE issues will be focused.



 *To be confirmed

Day 3, Wednesday - 16 April 2014

​09:00 - 10:30

Session 8: QoS Functions in Core Networks and Backbone Networks

Moderator: Kwame Baah-Acheamfuor (NCA, Ghana) [ Biography ]

This session will discuss the "QoS Functions of the QoS in Core Networks (packet and circuit switched)" and the "QoS Functions of QoS in backbone networks (IP, ATM, MPLS)".


​10:30 - 11:00 ​Coffee Break
​11:00 - 12:30

Session 9: Functions of QoS in Broadband Access Networks

Moderator: Eric Dunand, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Kingdom of Bahrain [ Biography ]

Objectives: This session will focus especially on the theory for QoS functions of broadband networks (wired and wireless).

​12:30 - 14:00 ​Lunch Break
​14:00 - 15:30

Session 10: QoS Solutions for Benchmarking, Audits, QoS/QoE Management and Network performance

Moderator: Joachim Pomy, (Opticom, Germany)  [ Biography ]

Objectives: This session will focus on QoS Solutions for Benchmarking, Audits, QoS/QoE Management and Network performance..


​15:30 - 15:50 Coffee Break
15:50 - 17:00

​Conclusions and Remarks

Moderator: Hiroshi Ota (ITU/TSB) [ Biography ]


17:00 ​Closing

 *To be confirmed