09:00 – 09:35 |
Opening Session -
H.E. Khédija Ghariani, Secretary General, AICTO
Bilel Jamoussi, Chief Study Groups, TSB, ITU [ Biography:
English |
Arabic ]
- H.E. Saeed Al Harithy, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Transport & Communication, Oman, President of AICTO Council
- H.E. Mongi Marzoug, Minister of Information & Communication Technologies, Tunisia
09:35 - 09:50 |
Coffee Break
09:50– 11:00 |
Session 1:
ITU Activities on Bridging the Standardization Gap (BSG)
This session will be directed to the activities of TSB on the implementation of the Bridging the Standardization Gap Programme. The session will provide participants with an overview of how developing countries could also participate more effectively in the ICT standardization process in ITU-T.
Farouk Kamoun, President, Sesame University
11:00 - 12:00 |
Session 2: Deployment of Broadband Standards in Arab Region
This session will discuss best practices in the deployment of broadband standards in the region and will focus in particular on innovations in deploying low cost broadband infrastructure in developing countries.
Alaa Al-Din Al-Radhi, International Expert, Iraq Speakers: -
Overview of ITU Broadband Standards, Bilel Jamoussi, Chief, Study Group Department, TSB, ITU [ Biography:
English |
Arabic | Presentation ]
Low cost solution for broadband deployment in developing countries,
Haruo Okamura, Global Plan, Japan [ Biography | Presentation ]
12:00 - 13:00 |
13:00 - 14:30 |
Session 3: Deployment of Cloud Computing Standards in the Arab Region
This session will discuss the standardization activities ongoing in ITU-T SG 13 and in the region. The session will also identify some of the success stories of cloud computing implementation in the Arab region..
Bilel Jamoussi, Chief, Study Group Department, TSB, ITU [ Biography: English | Arabic ]
Speakers: -
Cloud Services: Rim Belhassine-Cherif, Executive Director, Tunisie Telecom and SG 13 Vice-Chair [
Biography | Presentation ]
Cloud Computing: Myths and Realities, towards development of a Cloud Computing Framework for the Arab Region:
Nasser Kettani, Microsoft [
Biography | Presentation ]
Huawei Vision of Cloud Computing: Mounir Ferjani, Senior Product Manager, Huawei Tunisia [ Biography | Presentation ]
14:30 - 15:45 |
Session 4: ICT Standardization Challenges
This session will consider the ICT standardization framework of countries in the region and analyze some of the challenges that countries face to implement international ICT standards and participate in the international ICT standards development process.
Vijay Mauree, Programme Coordinator, ITU [ Biography ]
The role of standards in promoting ICT activities in developing countries,
Mehdi Zaabar, Senior Project Manager, Telnet, Tunisia
Egypt’s Experience in ICT standardization,
Ramy Ahmed Fathy, Director, Digital Services Policies, NTRA, Egypt [
Biography ]
15:45 - 16:00 |
Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30 |
Session 5: Working Methods of ITU-T Study Groups
This session will provide a hands-on training on how to participate in effectively in ITU-T study groups meeting. Participants will be expected to have gone through the ITU e-learning course on Recommendation ITU-T A.1 prior to attending the forum.
17:30 - 18:00 |
Closing Session