ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


​Forum on Smart Water Management
Montevideo, Uruguay


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Spanish version of the Programme [ES]

Day 3, Thursday 13 March 2014 (afternoon)

14:00 - 14:30Registration
​14:30 - 14:45​Opening Remarks            
​​14:45 - 15:15

Keynote speech         

​15:15 - 16:15Session 1: The Role of ICT in Smart Water Management

The continuing availability of water supply is imperative to ensure the proper functioning of economic activities and basic services, such as reliable access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation, both in urban and rural contexts.This session will present some successful examples of how ICT solutions, such as smart metering technologies and weather monitoring systems, can help in bettering the distribution, management, and allocation of water resources.  

Moderator: Ahmed Zeddam, Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 5 “Environment and Climate Change” [ Biography EN ]


Questions and answers

​​​16:15 - 16:30​​Coffee Break (sponsored by Antel)
​​16:30 - 17:45Session 2:  Partnering for ICT Solutions

ICT can bring enormous benefits to water authorities in mapping, managing and distributing water resources, as well as in forecasting and giving advance warning of water-related emergencies. But the current role that ICT play in water management has remained not been fully identified. This session will provide an open platform to set priorities to further advance the development of ICT solutions for water resources management, as well to discuss how ICT standards can pave the way to it.  

Moderator: Guilherme Canela, Regional Adviser for Communication and Information, UNESCO [ Biography EN ]


Questions and answers

​​17:45 - 18:00  Wrap up and closing remarks