Ms. Zelmira May is an Agronomy Engineer (UdelaR, Uruguay) and holds a MSc on Water and Environmental Management from WEDC, Loughborough University of the UK. Along her professional life, Ms. May has worked in the field of water resources management in several international organizations acquiring wide experience in the execution and implementation of water programmes at the global and regional level. Over the past ten years she has been working at the Division of Water Science of UNESCO based in the Regional Office for Science for Latin America and the Caribbean, being presently responsible for the implementation of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP). The IHP is the only scientific intergovernmental water programme in the UN System. As coordinator for the implementation of UNESCO water programme in the region, she is responsible for development and execution of the water initiatives, and of fostering and strengthening the network of the IHP, composed by its National Committees, UNESCO water-related Centres and Chairs, and other relevant partners in the region. She acted as Executive Secretary of the Global Water Partnership in Uruguay, an organization aiming at fostering the integrated management of water resources. Moreover, she was the Executive Secretary of the Interamerican Water Resources Network, a network of organizations and individuals working on water in the Americas. Furthermore, Ms. May is the Executive Director of the AquaLAC scientific journal and guest editor in the Special Journal Issue on Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions for Water and Development Information for Arid Lands – a Global Network (G-WADI). Moreover, she is member of the Board of Directors of the Water Web Consortium.