Malcolm Betts Chair of WP3/15 I ZTE Corporation
Malcolm Betts has been involved in the standardization of optical networks (including network architecture, network management and rates and formats) in the ITU-T since 1988. He has been the chairman of WP3/15 since 2017. Previously he served as the vice chairman of WP3/15 (2013-2016) and before that served as a Rapporteur for several Questions in both SG13 and SG15 most recently as the Rapporteur for Q12/15 (Network Architecture). He was also an active participant working on network management in the ONF and the TMForum. Prior to his career in standards, he managed teams that developed optical transmission systems.
Marcus Brunner ETSI ISG-F5G Vice Chair I Huawei, Switzerland He received his Ph.D. from ETH Zurich. He is active in research, development, and standardization with detailed experience in a variety of fields (Broadband, Cloud, 5G). He is contributing to various international organizations on future networking technologies including ETSI ISG F5G (Fifth Generation Fixed Networks Vice-Chair), ITU-T SG15, and the World Broadband Association (WBBA WG chair).
Fabio Cavaliere Rapporteur Q6/15 I Ericsson,Sweden
Fabio Cavaliere is Expert in Photonic Systems and Technologies at Ericsson, and Rapporteur of ITU-T Question 6/15 (Characteristics of optical components, subsystems and systems for optical transport networks). Fabio is author of about 130 filed patent applications, more than 100 publications on optical networks, the book “Photonics applications for radio systems and Networks (Artech House, Boston, USA), and editor of the book “New Trends in Optical Networks” (Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417). In 26 years of professional experience, his research activity encompassed radio access networks, fiber access, high speed optical transmission and integrated photonics. Fabio is in the technical program committees of international conferences on optical communications, guest editor of Applied Science’s Topical Collection on Optical Networks and of IEEE Communications Standards Magazine. He is in the Board of Stakeholders of Photonics 21 (the European technology platform on photonic technologies), in the Expert Advisory Board of NetworldEurope and in the in Strategic Advisory Board of the European Quantum Flagship.
Paul Doolan Chair of WP2/15 | Hong Kong Research Center of Huawei, Hong Kong, China
Paul has been involved in standards development for over 25 years in organizations including IETF, BBF, OIF and ITU. He made his first contribution to standardization in the ITU in 1998. In SG15 he has served as editor for several Recommendations, as Associate Rapporteur of Q12/15 and as Vice Chair of WP2/15. Paul is currently serving as a senior consulting expert for Optical Standards at the Hong Kong Research Center of Huawei.
Sebastien Gareau Systems Architect and Distinguished Engineer | Ciena, USA
Sebastien is a Systems Architect in the WaveLogic Technologies team, working on the latest coherent modem products. His background is in ASIC/FPGA digital design and architecture, and has been at Ciena for 16 years. He represents Ciena in various public forums such as ITU-T Question 11, OpenROADM and OIF Optical track, and has various editorship roles in these forums.
Steve Gorshe Rapporteur ITU-T Q11/15 I\ Microchip Technology, USA
Steve Gorshe, Ph.D. (Fellow, IEEE) has worked since 1982 in research and development of telecommunications systems and ICs at companies including GTE, Siemens, NEC, PMC-Sierra. He is currently an Associate Fellow at Microchip Technology. Since 2017 he has been Rapporteur for Q11 of ITU-T SG15, which is responsible for optical transport network standards. He has been actively involved in telecom and data communications standards since 1983 and has been author/co-author on over 800 standards contributions across multiple standards organizations. He has 52 patents issued or pending, is author/co-author on multiple telecommunications textbooks and technical papers. Steve received his Ph.D. and MSEE from Oregon State University and BSEE from the University of Idaho.
Tom Huber Vice Chair WP3/15 | Nokia, USA Tom Huber is Vice Chair of ITU-T SG15, Networks, technologies and infrastructures for transport, access and home, and Vice Chair of ITU-T WP3/15, Transport network characteristics. He is also PLL-Protocol Vice Chair in the Optical Internetworking Forum and a member of the editorial team for IEEE P802.3dj. He was previously Rapporteur of ITU-T Q9/15 from 2013-2018, Associate Rapporteur of ITU-T Q11/15 from 2018-2022, and has served as editor of several ITU-T Recommendations. He began working in telecommunications more than 30 years ago at Tellabs and is currently part of the standards team for the optical business unit of Nokia. He has been involved in standards development for more than 20 years. Tom holds a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Notre Dame and an M.S. in Computer Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Xiang Liu Chief Scientist of Optical Standards, Hong Kong Research Center of Huawei, Hong Kong, China
Dr. Xiang Liu is Chief Scientist of Optical Standards at Huawei Technologies. He has been actively contributing to international standards in ITU-T SG15, IEEE 802.3, ETSI ISG-F5G, BBF and OIF. He had been the Vice President for Optical Transport and Access at Futurewei Technologies. He received the Ph.D. degree in applied physics from Cornell University in 2000. He has authored/co-authored more than 350 journal and conference papers and holds over 100 patents. He has served as a Technical Program Co-Chair of OFC 2016 and a General Co-Chair of OFC 2018. He is a Fellow of IEEE and OSA.
Chao Lu Chair Professor and Director, Photonics Research Institute, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof. Chao Lu is currently Chair Professor of Fiber Optics in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as well as director of the PolyU Photonics Research Institute. He has served as a faculty member in Universities in Singapore and Hong Kong for the past 33 years. Over the years, he has published extensively in major international journals such as Optics Express, Optics Letters, IEEE Photonic Technology Letters and IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. He has been organizer or technical program committee member of many international conferences. His current research interests are in the area of high capacity transmission techniques for long haul and short reach systems and distributed optical sensing systems. In addition to academic research work, he has had many industrial collaborative research projects and has a number of awarded patents. He is a fellow of the Optical Society(OSA).
Raul Muñoz Research Director, Head of Packet Optical Networks and Services, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain Raul Muñoz (PhD 2005) is the Research Director and Head of Packet Optical Networks and Services at CTTC in Barcelona, Spain. He has contributed to over 50 R&D projects related to optical networks and 5G/6G, including coordinating two European projects (STRAUSS and ONFIRE). He served as elected academic member of the Steering Board for the 5G Infrastructure Association, Wireless World Research Forum, and Networld2020 from 2015 to 2017. He is serving as editor of the optical networks chapter in the NetworldEurope strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA) in 2016, 2022 and 2024. He also served as general Chair for NoF2024 and ONDM 2020 conferences, and TPC chair for ECOC 2015. His research focuses on network control, and service management for packet-optical networks, and he has published over 100 journal papers and 300 conference papers.
Hiroshi Ota Advisor, ITU-T Study Group 15
Hiroshi Ota is Advisor for ITU-T Study Group 15 (SG15), which develops standards on networks, technologies and infrastructures for transport, access and home. He also serves as Advisor for ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG), which aims at making the ITU-T the most attractive place to come to do standards work. In addition, he supports the ITU/WMO/UNESCO IOC Joint Task Force on SMART submarine cable systems. He coordinates the work on disaster relief and emergency communication within ITU and with related organizations. Previously, he supported ITU-T SG5 (Environment, EMF & circular economy), ITU-T SG12 (Performance, QoS & QoE) and other groups.
Glenn Parsons Chair, ITU-T SG15
Glenn Parsons is an internationally known expert in mobile transport and Ethernet technology. He is a principal standards advisor with Ericsson Canada, where he coordinates standards strategy and policy for Ericsson, including network architecture for 5G radio transport networks. Previously, he has held positions in development, product management and standards architecture in the ICT industry. Over the past number of years, he has held several management and editor positions in various standards activities including IETF, IEEE, and ITU-T. He is currently involved with 5G transport standardization in IEEE and ITU-T and is the chair if ITU-T SG15 as well as the working group chair of IEEE 802.1. In addition, he is a member of the IEEE Standards Association Entity Collaborative Activities Governance Board, and the chair of External Relations for IEEE Canada. He graduated in 1992 with a B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Memorial University of Newfoundland. |
Silvana Rodrigues ITU-T Q13/15 Associate Rapporteur I Senior Principal Engineer, Huawei
Silvana holds an Electronic and Electrical Engineering degree from University of Campinas, Brazil. She has been working on network synchronization and actively contributing to synchronization standards development for more than 15 years. She has been the secretary of IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Working Group since the beginning of the work of IEEE 1588 version 2. She is the editor of IEEE 801.1ASds And IEEE 802.1AS-2020-Rev and participates and contributes to several IEEE 802.1 TSN working groups. She is currently the Associate Rapporteur and editor of several recommendations at ITU-T SG15 Q13 (the synchronization experts group).
Stefano Ruffini ITU-T Q13/15 Rapporteur I Strategic Technology Manager,
Calnex Solution
Stefano Ruffini ( graduated in telecommunication engineering from the University of Rome La Sapienza. After a long experience at Ericsson, he is currently working as Strategic Technology Manager at Calnex Solution. Stefano is currently contributing to ITU-T SG15 Q13 (serving as Rapporteur), IEEE1588, and other relevant synchronization standardization bodies and forums. He has published several international journal papers and delivered talks at various conferences. He is member of the Steering Group of the International Timing and Sync Forum and a member of the Steering Committee of the Workshop on Synchronization in Telecommunication Systems.
Jun Shan Wey
Distinguished Engineer, Verizon Communications, USA
Dr. Jun Shan Wey is a Distinguished Engineer at Verizon Communications, where her work focuses on standardization and ecosystem development in optical networking and video media. Her contributions in these areas have been instrumental in shaping Verizon’s network strategy and architecture planning. Dr. Wey actively represents Verizon in major standards development organizations, including ITU-T, FSAN, and ATIS. She has served as an editor for multiple ITU-T recommendations pertaining to optical access networks and distributed fiber optic sensing (DFOS). Her contributions have been instrumental in the global adoption of passive optical networks and spearheaded the first DFOS standardization efforts for telecommunications operators, paving the way for wider adoption and innovation in this emerging field. Dr. Wey is deeply involved with the Optical Fiber Communications (OFC) Conference. Her roles include serving as the current OFC Steering Committee Chair, 2020 Program Co-Chair, and 2022 General Co-Chair. She also co-chairs the IEEE INGR Optics Working Group. Dr. Wey holds a B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering from National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. She earned her M.S. and Ph.D., both in Electrical Engineering, from the University of Maryland, College Park. She is a Fellow of Optica and a Senior Member of IEEE.