ITU's 160 anniversary

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Ninth SG13 Regional Workshop for Africa on “Standardization of Future Networks and Emerging Network Technologies: African perspectives”​​
Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 19-20 September 2023


​Day 1:  19 September 2023​

09:30 - 10:20Master Ceremony: Rim Belhassine Ch​erif​, Vice-chairman, ITU-T SG13 |Chairman, ITU-T SG13RG-AFR |Chairman, NoW in ITU-T | Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer, Tunisie Telecom, Tunisia 

Welcome Address: 

​Welcome Address:
10:20 - 10:40 Keynote Presentation: Importance of African Involvement in ITU-T SG13 standardization activities

This keynote presentation aims to assess the current participation of African countries to the standardization activities of  ITU-T SG13 in particular and to highlight the importance of an increased African involvement in these activities.
10:40 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:40 Session 1:  Standardization Hot Topics 1, IMT-2020 & Beyond IMT-2020 Networks

This session will present the main ITU-T SG13’s achievements related to IMT-2020 and beyond IMT-2020 networks standardization while providing an overview on its ongoing and future activities on this topic.
It will also discuss the main technical challenges and standardization requirements related to IMT-2020 and beyond IMT-2020 networks from the perspective of African countries and will share some experiences from Africa on IMT-2020 networks deployments with focus on technical aspects.

Moderator: Jean-Marie Akepo​, Telecommunications Expert |Director General, Rakall
12:40 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:40 Session 2: Standardization Hot Topics 2, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for future Networks

This session aims to promote the ITU-T SG13 standardization activities on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for future Networks, including the work on autonomous networks. It will focus also on Current deployment and adoption requirements of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for future Networks while sharing the vision of African countries on possible future standardization work on this topic.

Moderator: Diarra Mam​adou​, University Lecturer and Researcher in Computer Science, Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Côte d’Ivoire 
15:40 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30

Session 3: Standardization Hot Topics 3, Network Evolution, Trust and Quantum Enhanced Networking

This session will give an overview on the concepts of Network Evolution, Trust and Quantum Enhanced Networking and will present updates regarding the ITU-T SG13’s activities in these fields. It will also discuss possible related standardization requirements from the perspective of African countries.

Moderator: Dimitri Gbongue, Head of Technical Control Department, ARTCI
​Closure of Day 1

Day 2, 20 September 2023​

09:30 - 09:40 Brief summary of Day 1 & Introduction to Day 2
09:40 -11:10 Session 4: Standardization Hot Topics 4, Cloud Computing and Data Handling

This session will highlight the main achievements related to ITU-T SG13’s standardization work on cloud computing and data handling as well as the key ITU-T SG13’s current and future activities on these topics. It will also discuss African requirements and visions on possible related standardization work in the upcoming years. 

Moderator: Ezer Yeboah-Boateng​, Deputy Director General, Technical Operations, National Communications Authority, Ghana
11:10 - 12:40​​
Session 5: Experiences & Successful Stories from Africa

In addition to the presentation of some experiences and successful stories of different African telecommunication stakeholders with regard to the workshop’s topics (IMT-2020 and beyond IMT-2020 networks, ML & AI for future networks, Network evolution, Trust, Quantum Enhanced Networking, cloud computing and data handling), this session will focus on sharing African experiences and successful stories on the use of ITU-T standards and on the involvement of African Countries in the standardization process.

Moderator: Hervé Bah​, Director, Technology, Data et Cyber Risk Advisory, DELOITTE Côte d’Ivoire 
12:40 - 13:40 Lunch Break
13:40 - 14:25 Panel Discussion: Importance of Standardization of SG13 hot topics for African Countries 

This Panel session will discuss African perspectives on future networks and emerging network technologies while articulating visions on how can standards help African countries take part of the opportunities offered by these networks and technologies.
The panel will also present views and suggest recommendations on how can African countries better contribute to the standardization efforts related to ITU-T SG13 hot topics.

Moderator: Rim Belhassine Cherif, Vice-chairman, ITU-T SG13 |Chairman, ITU-T SG13RG-AFR |Chairman, NoW in ITU-T | Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer, Tunisie Telecom, Tunisia 
14:25- 15:00 Closing Session