09:00 - 09:05
| Opening Remarks
- Chaesub Lee, Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU
09:05 -10:05 | Session 1: National and European plans for television
This session will discuss the importance of television policy and standardization as effective tools in the hands of regulators. Spectrum management and standardization roadmaps are in the spotlight of Governments seeking to improve the quality of television services. Recent social trends, associated with renewed television platforms and related service offering, present challenges and opportunities for European authorities, as well as the ITU, in the roll-out of television over any media: cable, satellite and over-the-air. - “Future European regulations and media policy”: Jenny Weinand, Senior Legal Counsel, EBU [Presentation]
- “Evolution scenarios for future television in Italy”: Sebastiano Trigila, Research Group Leader, FUB Italy & Vicepresident Vicar, HD Forum Italia [Presentation]
- “Future spectrum challenges for terrestrial television broadcasting in Europe”: David Hemingway, Chair of Spectrum Group, EBU [Presentation] & Elena Puigrefagut Coarasa, Senior Project Manager, EBU [Presentation]
- “Trend of television delivery in East African Countries - Opportunities and challenges”: Andrew Kisaka, Vice-Chairman ITU-R Study Group 6 I Head of Licensing , Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) [Presentation]
10:05 - 11:05 | Session 2: The future user experience for television
The broadcasting industry is currently confronted with new market demands. The television industry is pursuing the use of AI-based technology to deliver more immersive content to its audience, over multi devices, in order to quickly adapt and meet the requirements of today's society. More personalized and accessible services as well as more immersive and tailored television experience is the key. This session will discuss the key projects, initiatives, and technologies being implemented in the Europe region.
Moderator: Hans Hoffmann, Unit Head, Media Fundamentals and Production Technology, Technology and Development Department, EBU - "Future European user experience for televiion in Europe": Judy Parnall, Chair of Technical Committee, EBU [Presentation]
- "Future Interactive user experience for television in Europe": Sebastien Noir, Head of Software Engineering, Technology & Innovation, EBU [Presentation]
- “Future accessibility for television in Europe”: Pilar Orero, Professor, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and
“Common User Profile over various media”: Pradipta Biswas, Assistant professor, Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing & Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems [Presentation] - “The future user experience requirements for television - Project TV3.0, a case study in Brazil”: Luiz Fausto Souza Brito, Technical Leader, SBTVD Forum [Presentation]
11:05 - 11:10 | Break
11:10 - 11:50
| Session 3: The future content creation for television
This session will present current and future trends in collaborative content creation technologies for Television over the various media, including cloud-based and IP-based production that increases production flexibility. An increased use of 5G for production will also be discussed.
Moderator: Susanne Rath, Senior Engineer, Bayerischer Rundfunk ARD CCFM |
11:50 - 13:00
| Session 4: The future content delivery for television
This session will focus on the delivery of television content to end users. The future delivery of television will be a mixed environment, where broadcasting, broadband, including IP-based and cable TV, combine to provide media services. Related challenges, including “5G broadcast” and collaborative networks, provide potential opportunities.
- “Future proof terrestrial TV broadcasting networks”: Jean-Pierre Faisan, Chair, Communications Working Group, Broadcast Network Europe [Presentation]
- “The future IP-based delivery for television, including OTT and IPTV”: Chuanyang Miao, Associate Rapporteur Q13/SG16, ZTE [Presentation]
- “Future of cable television delivery in Europe”: Curtis Knittle, VP Wired Technologies, R&D, CableLabs [Presentation]
- “Future of satellite television delivery in Europe”: Nick Stubbs, Vice President Western Europe, SES [Presentation]
- “Future of 5G and TV broadcasting”: Roland Beutler, Technology and Production Directorate, Program Distribution Strategy, SWR [Presentation]
- “5g Broadcast - The point of view of a vendor”: Mohamed Aziz Taga, Product Owner/Head of Business development 5G Media Services, Rohde & Schwarz