ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


Roland Beutler 
Chair of EBU Distribution, SWR

Roland Beutler studied Physics at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and went on to receive a Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics from the Max-Planck-Institute for Metal Physics, also in Stuttgart. Between 1995 and 1996 he worked at the Università degli Studi di Lecce, Italy, under a Fellowship of the European Commission. In 1993 he joined SWR to work in the frequency planning department and is currently responsible for programme distribution strategy.​ Dr Beutler has been participating in EBU technical activities for more than 20 years and has chaired several EBU groups dealing with the future of broadcast distribution systems. He was chair of the several of EBU’s Strategic Programmes and Project Teams. Currently he acts as chairman for the Strategic Programme on Distribution. This group coordinates the engagement of European broadcasters in 3GPP, the global standardization organization of mobile technology. Roland Beutler is actively participating in different 3GPP groups to support the requirements of broadcasters for 4G and 5G developments. He is also a member of the Steering Group of the 5G Media Action Group. Roland Beutler is also involved in ITU and CEPT work and has been responsible for several of their working groups, both radio and TV related. He participated in RRC-06, WRC-12, WRC-15 and WRC-19. Moreover, he has published several articles and four books.

​​​​Pradipta Biswas
Assistant professor, Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing & Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems​​​  

Pradipta Biswas is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing and affiliated faculty at the Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systemsof Indian Institute of Science. HIs research focuses on user modelling and multimodal human-machine interactionfor aviation and automotive environments and for assistive technology. He setup and lead the Interaction Design Labat CPDM, IISc. He is a Co-Chair of the IRG AVA, InternationalTelecommunication Union and a Memberof the UKRI International Development Peer Review College. Earlier, he was a Senior Research Associate at EngineeringDepartment, Research Fellow at WolfsonCollege and Research Associate at Trinity Hall of University of Cambridge. He completed his PhD in Computer Science at the Rainbow Group of Universityof Cambridge Computer Laboratoryand Trinity College in 2010 and wasawarded a Gates-CambridgeScholarship in 2006. He Iundertook a first degree in Information Technologyat the University of Kalyani and a master degree atthe Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He conducted courses on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at National Institute of Fashion Technology, Automotive User Interface and AR/VR systems at Ashok Leyland, Multimodal Interaction at Honeywell, Human Computer Interactionat Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, AssistiveTechnology at Indian Institute ofTechnology, Madras and was a vice chairman of ITU-TFocus Group on Smart TV. Besides academics, he is a keen rifle shooter and won gold medals in Imperial Shooting Meet from 2010to 2015. He was the Senior Treasurer of Cambridge University Revolver and Pistol club, captain of Wolfson College Cricket Club, Trinity Collegegraduate cricket team and secretary of the Engineering Department cricket.
​​​​Elena Puigrefagut Coarasa
Senior Project Manager, European Broadcasting Union

Elena Puigrefagut Coarasa, Senior Project Manager at the European Broadcasting Union, co-ordinates joint technical activities undertaken by EBU Members on frequency planning and spectrum management and regulation and, in particular, frequency planning studies for terrestrial broadcasting systems. She represents the EBU in a number of international committees as the CEPT, EC and ITU including ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences. Prior to joining the EBU, Elena worked at Eutelsat, a global satellite operator, as a frequency planning engineer in the Operations Department. During this period, she was responsible for the planning of the satellites that supported the launch of digital TV across Europe in the mid-1990s. Elena holds a Master's degree in Image and Sound (ENST, Paris) and a M.Sc. in Telecommunications Engineering (Uni​versitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ETSTB Barcelona).​
​Khishigbayar Dushchuluun
Senior Research Leader, ARD CCFM Competence Center International Frequency Management

Khishigbayar Dushchuluun studied the electrical engineering at the Technical University Darmstadt in Germany. After graduating in 2001 she began work as a Research Associate at the same university working in the area of telecommunications, while pursuing a Doctoral Degree in Electrical Engineering, which was awarded in 2010. In 2012 Khishigbayar joined IRT, Munich, Germany, the Research and Development Institute of ARD, ZDF, DRadio, ORF, and SRG/SSR, as a senior research engineer working on flexible spectrum management strategies such as cognitive radio systems and the coexistence of different systems in the same band. Currently she is leading the Radio Systems department at IRT, which is a key partner in research projects at a German state level (5G Today) and European level (5G-Xcast). An important aspect of her work is in representing the interests of German broadcasters at the ITU-R WP5D group (radio system aspects of International Mobile Telecommunications system). She is also actively involved in the several EBU groups such as future distribution, spectrum, content production in 5G, sharing and planning of terrestrial services which are working to define the future of European broadcasting and is engaged in 3GPP, working on the RAN of FeMBMS for terrestrial broadcasting. Her research interests lie several fields of broadcasting and communications, including propagation, mobile radio system architecture, digital television, spectrum efficiency, frequency management, wireless microphones, hybrid systems and cooperative networks in the field of broadcasting and mobile communications 4G/5G.
​Jean-Pierre Faisan
Chair, Communications Working Group, Broadcast Network Europe

Jean-Pierre Faisan is a graduate from Polytechnic school in Paris and Telecom Paris Tech. He has more than 30 years of experience in wireless telecommunications networks in a variety of contexts: satellite operations, mobile network deployment, railway dedicated radio networks and terrestrial broadcasting networks, including digital switch over. Since 2012 he has specialized in spectrum policy for vertical sectors especially with respect to access to spectrum for the broadcasting industry and the strategic link between spectrum and a thriving European creative and cultural industry.
​​Luis Fausto Souza Brito​​
Technical Leader, SBTVD Forum​​

Professional Master's Degree in Applied Computing (UECE - 2015), Executive MBA on IT (UFRJ - 2011), extension course in Networks and Video over IP (UFRJ - 2009), Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering with emphasis in Electronics (UFRJ/USU - 2005). Currently working as Technology & Regulatory Specialist for Globo, SBTVD Forum Technical Module Coordinator, chairman of SWG 6B-2 (Multimedia) of ITU-R WP 6B (Broadcast service assembly and access), member of the Delegation of Brazil in ITU-R (SG 6 - Broadcasting Service​) and CITEL (PCC.II - Radiocommunications), member of the TV Reception Technical Group (GT-Rx) of the Brazilian TV Switch-Over Group (GIRED) and Hardware Harmonization Coordinator of the ISDB-T International Forum.​
Hans Hoffmann
Unit Head, Media Fundamentals and Production Technology, Technology and Development Department, EBU

Hans Hoffmann is the head of unit on media fundamentals and production technologies in the EBU Technology and Innovation Department. He is also the current SMPTE President of 2021/22.​
​​​​ Andrew John Kisaka
Vice-Chairman ITU-R Study Group 6​​​

Andrew Johnson Kisaka holds a Master degree of Information Communication Technology (ICT) offered by Coventry University of United Kingdom in collaboration with Kigali Institute of Technology. He is also having a Post graduate diploma of Electronics and Information technology from University of Dar e salaam (UDSM). He has been working in broadcasting sector for over two decades and started his career with Public Broadcaster (Radio Tanzania) from 1983 – 1999. In 1999 he Joined Tanzania Communications Commission (TCC) as a Senior Frequency Management Engineer and in 2003 worked with Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) after the merge of Tanzania Broadcasting Commission (TBC) and Tanzania Communication Commission.  On International arena, from 2008 – 2010 Engineer Andrew Johnson Kisaka worked with Rwanda Utility Regulatory Authorities (RURA) as an expert and Consultant in spectrum Management and the Director of ICT. In 2011 to 2012 Eng. Kisaka Served as East Africa Expert for ITU in its Project namely “Support for Harmonization of ICT policy in Sub Sahara Africa HIPSSA- cross border frequency coordination”. In 2013 – 2014, Engineer Kisaka was a Chair person of African Working Group of Spectrum Management (AfriSWoG). Engineer Andrew Kisaka currently is a Head of Licensing in TCRA and a chairperson of the EACO WG05 dealing with broadcasting development and Spectrum Management.  He is as well a Vice Chair of ITU Study group six dealing with broadcasting affairs. Mr. Kisaka is registered as Professional Engineer by Engineer Registration Board of Tanzania​.
​​Curtis Knittle
VP Wired Technologies, R&D, CableLabs

Dr. Curtis Knittle is the Vice President of Wired Technologies at CableLabs, the non-profit research & development lab funded by the global cable industry. Curtis and his team are responsible for specifying scalable deployment solutions in both hybrid fiber coax and all-fiber access networks for CableLabs’ member companies. DOCSIS® technologies, Full Duplex DOCSIS, Distributed CCAP Architectures, and Point-to-Point Coherent Optics are a few current high priority projects under his leadership. 
​​Ievgen Kostiukevych
Team Leader, Media over IP and Cloud Technologies, European Broadcasting Union

Ievgen Kostiukevych leads the EBU Technology & Innovation's Media over IP and Cloud Technologies team. He has over a decade of experience in the broadcasting and media production industries, including experience in organizational and technological change management, systems engineering and integration, and solutions architecture. He helps EBU Members transition to the next-generation IP and cloud-based solutions and workflows. Ievgen is a member of SMPTE, AES, VSF, and AMWA.​
​​ Chuanyang Miao
ITU-T Study Group 16 Q13 Associate Rapporteur, ITU | Chief Standard Engineer of Fixed network and Multimedia, Wireline Product Planning Dept, ZTE Corporation, China

Chuanyang Miao, as the chief standard engineer of fixed network and multimedia service team in Wireline Product Planning Department in ZTE Corporation, is responsible for technical and standard pre-search of multimedia application, content distribution & delivery, and future networking. He began participating in ITU-T SG 16 in 2008 and serves as the Associate Rapporteur of ITU-T SG16 Q13 “Content delivery, multimedia application platforms and end systems for IP-based TV services including digital signage” from 2017 and has made continuous contributions to promoting international standardization of multimedia service content delivery, especially in IPTV and OTT TV. He is the main Editor and contributor of H.644 series Recommendations which are the specifications related to the multimedia content delivery based on IP network and MEC environment.
​Yukihiro Nishida
Chairman, ITU-R Study Group 6, NHK, Tokyo, Japan​

Dr. Nishida is an executive research engineer (Fellow) at the Science and Technology Research Laboratories, Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), Tokyo, Japan. He has been involved in the research and development of many areas of broadcasting technologies, including high-definition television (HDTV), ultrahigh-definition television (UHDTV), high-dynamic range (HDR) TV, digital broadcasting, video coding, multiplexing, and quality evaluation. He is also active in the standardization of broadcast technologies in the International Telecommunication Union – Radiocommunication (ITU-R) Sector and the Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB), Japan. He was appointed as the chairman of the ITU-R Study Group 6 in October 2015 and reappointed in October 2019, after having served as the vice chairman of the ITU-R Study Group 6 and the chairman of the Working Party 6B for eight years.​
​​​​Sebastien Noir
Head of Software Engineering, EBU

Sebastien Noir worked for six years at RTS, the French-speaking Business Unit of the Swiss broadcaster SRG-SSR. He started as a software developer, and then took the role of Product Owner for several digital products ( mobile apps and website). He later became Product Manager for Play SRG, the Swiss National initiative to provide all audio and video content produced by in the five languages to the users on responsive websites and mobile applications. In 2017, he then moved to the EBU, as Product Owner for PEACH, the personalisation and recommendation ecosystem built by Broadcasters for Broadcasters. He is now the head of Software Engineering in the Technology and Innovation department of the EBU.​
​​​ Person Icon Pilar Orero
Professor, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Dr Pilar Orero, PhD (UMIST, UK) works at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). She is a member of the research group TransMedia Catalonia .She works in standardisation and participates in the ITU IRG-AVA - Intersector Rapporteur Group Audiovisual Media Accessibility. She is a member of the working group ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35. She is a member of the Spanish UNE working group on accessibility. She is also a member of ANEC Accessibility working group ( Leader and participant on numerous EU funded projects such as HBB4ALL. ACT UMAQ (Understanding Quality Media Accessibility) EasyTV (interaction to accessible TV) and ImAc (Immersive Accessibility), REBUILD and HELIOS 2018-2021, and the three ERASMUS+ ADLAB PRO EASIT and LTA Co-founder of the Media Accessibility Platform MAP
Judy Parnall
Chair of Technical Committee, EBU

Judy is a passionate advocate of all things media and its positive power for audiences. As Head of Standards & Industry in the BBC Research & Development, Judy coordinates on the strategy for the influencing industry and government for media technology innovation, including the BBC’s input to standards and industry bodies across production, broadcast and other media spheres. Judy has worked in the BBC for a number of years in both R&D and the corporate strategy areas. Her research interests have centred on the interaction of people with technology and services across all media. Judy has sat on the EBU’s Technical Committee since 2015 and chaired it since June 2018. 

Stefano Polidori
Advisor, ITU-T Study Group 9, TSB, ITU, Geneva, Switzerland

Stefano is Advisor at the International Telecommunication Union and responsible for the technical secretariat of ITU-T Study Group 9 "Broadband ​cable and TV”. He is also responsible for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) activities, including the Symposium on the Future Networked Car at the Geneva Motor Show. Stefano is the ITU representative to the European Multi Stakeholder Platform on ICT Standardization at the European Commission. After few years in the private sector, joined the ITU in 2004 covering various positions including Coordinator for ITU Kaleidoscope academic conference and Advisor for Study Group 11 "Signalling, protocols and test specifications". Stefano holds a Master in Electronic Engineering from the University of Rome, Italy and a Master of Science in mobile communication from Aalborg Unive​​rsity, Denmark.
Jaroslaw Ponder
Head of the ITU Office for Europe, ITU

Mr Ponder is Head of the ITU Office for Europe at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (Geneva, Switzerland). Within the last years Mr. Ponder has been carrying out numerous projects, activities and initiatives at national, regional and international levels. He has been taking lead role in many international conferences and summits dealing with fostering ICT innovation and development of ICT ecosystem, information society, and advancements of digital economy worldwide, while setting strategies and ensuring their timely implementation. Along the professional career Mr. Ponder held official positions in the public sector and was a contributor to the legislative projects having impact on the public policy. Since 2014 Mr. Ponder has been working for ITU, in Market, Economics and Finance Unit (MEF/ITU), Strategy and Policy Unit (SPU/ITU), Project and Initiatives Department (PRI/ITU). From year 2008 upon his former duties he has acted as Europe Officer (EUR/ITU) as well as Project Manager for European Centres of Excellence Network (CoE-EUR). In August 2008 he was appointed as Coordinator for Europe. After successful recreation of the coordination for the region in 2009 he moved to the General Secretariat becoming Strategy and Policy Coordinator and one year later Senior Strategy and Policy Advisor with the objective to lead the ITU activities on World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS; United Nation Process on ICTs) and its 10 year review, amongst the others successfully establishing prime platforms, i.e. WSIS Forum, WSIS Prizes, WSIS Stocktaking, and organizing WSIS+10 High Level Event (2014) that resulted in negotiated texts. In parallel, since 2011 he has been working as Coordinator for Europe strengthening coordination and implementation mechanism. In 2017 he became the Head of ITU Office for Europe, directing actions, projects, initiatives, experts groups targeting 45 countries and representing ITU in Europe.
​​ Andy Quested
Chair, ITU-R WP 6C

Andy Quested started working for the BBC in 1978 becoming a video-tape editor in 1985 where he worked on many comedy, children’s and documentary series.  Moving to a new technology department he, worked on introducing non-linear editing, stereo, widescreen, the BBC’s first HD programme Planet Earth I and the first UHD programme, Planet Earth II. Andy has been a Rapporteur for ITU Working Party 6C investigating the use of 3DTV, the Global Broadcasting Platform and image quality. He is a Co-Chair of the joint group on Accessibility and has chaired several Rapporteur Groups including the group that developed the HDR Recommendation until 2015 when he became chair of Working Party 6C itself.  As chair, he initiated new areas of study on Advanced Immersive Sensory Media Systems and Artificial Intelligence in content production and international programme exchange. Andy left the BBC at the end of 2020 but is still leading standards work in the ITU and EBU.  He is also an active member of SMPTE, becoming a Fellow in 2014 for work relating to standards and was part of the SMPTE Public Committee Document initiative in 2019.​​
Susanne Rath
Senior Engineer, Bayerischer Rundfunk ARD CCFM

Susanne Rath studied Electrical engineering and joined the IRT, the research and development institute of the German Public Service Broadcasters, in 1992. There she led a plethora of scientific projects and research teams in the fields of audio, media production, metadata and accessibility. In May 2021 Susanne joined ARD’s Competence Centre for International Frequency Management. Here she is responsible for all matters concerning international spectrum regulation. She is involved in many national and international technical working groups. Her current focus is on the technical and strategical preparation of WRC23 to safeguard UHF frequencies in particular for the future use for 5G Broadcast and PMSE applications in media production.
Nick Stubbs
Vice President Western Europe, SES

Nick Stubbs is Vice President Western Europe at SES, the world’s leading satellite operator and leading provider of global connectivity solutions. He is responsible for commercial activities in the Benelux, France, Italy, Spain and the UK & Ireland. Nick has an M.A. from Oxford University. Initially a strategy consultant with Bain & Company, he subsequently joined Groupe Canal+ as Development Director with responsibility for the Group’s activities in Benelux, Italy, Poland, Spain and Scandinavia. His wide experience throughout Europe has allowed him to develop his knowledge of the European tv market and new technologies.

Sebastiano Trigila
Research Group Leader, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni | Vicepresident Vicar, HD Forum Italia

Sebastiano Trigila has developed his professional career entirely within Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (FUB), since his Engineering Degree from Sapienza University of Rome (1980). Currently with the Directorate of General Affairs and Compliance, he is in charge of promoting FUB participation in EU-funded projects. Founding Member, on behalf of FUB,  of the Association HD Forum Italia, where he was appointed as first President in 2006 and Vicepresident Vicar from 2007 to present and where he also serves as coordinator of the ad hoc group HDFI Observatory on OTT Services.  Staff member of the Directorate of Research, from 2007 to 2017, in charge of international relations with other research organizations. Project manager of FP7/Domino, IRMA ERDF 2006-13 of the Latium Region, Horizon 2020 OCTAVE. Coordinated a monitoring campaign of energy consumed by 4G operators (2013-2017). Formerly head of national project “Transition to Digital Terrestrial Television” and supervisor of five experimental projects on interactive DTT (2002-06). His earlier research (1981-2002) focused on communication protocols and related ETSI, ISO and ITU-T standards. Head of Communications Software Technology group. Project manager for projects RACE Cassiopeia and ACTS Dolmen. Technical leader for ACTS/Vesper. Author of more than one hundred publications. Tutor for various doctoral theses. Lecturer at seminars and specialised courses, both Italian and European.
​​ Mohamed Aziz Taga
PO & Head of Business Development, 5G Media Services 

Mohamed Aziz Taga is product owner for 5G Broadcast/Multicast & Transmitter Systems with Rohde & Schwarz, Munich, Germany. Aziz leads the 5G Broadcast/Multicast business development activities and associated projects worldwide. After obtaining his Master degree in Computer Networking and Telecommunications, Taga became a Mobile Core Network Specialist within Nokia Networks with an extensive Cellular PDN/EPS/IMS/SDM technical background before joining Rohde & Schwarz in 2018.

Jenny Weinand
Senior Legal Counsel, EBU

Jenny Weinand is Senior Legal Counsel at the European Broadcasting Union in Geneva, specialising in media and communications law. She deals with regulatory issues in the field of media policy as well as public service media governance. She obtained a PhD in Law from the University of Luxembourg, examining the German, French and UK national regulatory authorities’ practice in implementing certain rules contained in the EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive. At the university of Luxembourg, she was previously involved in a research project on the AVMS Directive. Jenny holds an LL.M. from the University of Luxembourg and a B.A. in European Studies from the University of Maastricht.