ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Programme Committee

CarlosCarlos R. Diaz Araujo
El Salvador      

He is a telecommunications specialist with various degrees from Michigan State University, Universidad Tecnologica El Salvador, INCAE and Northwestern University, James Allen Center, Kellow Graduate School. Since 2008, Carlos has worked in the Departamento de titulos habilitantes y gestion del espectro radioelectrico, SIGET(superintendencia general de electricidad y telecomunicaciones) in El Salvador. Previously he held positions in MOORE corporation as a regional marketing manager and new services development in Central America. He also worked for ANTEL (Administracion nacional de telecomuncaciones) in El Salvador holding positions in the areas of the Radio Electric Department, the TV booking center (Estacion terrena IZALCO), planning, the commercial department and the packet switching network development.  
Eduardo Chomali
ASIET, Colombia

Eduardo Chomali Palacio is the Regional Director for the Andean Countries of the Inter-American Association of Telecommunications Companies (ASIET) and member of the Center for Telecommunications Studies of Latin America ( Bachelor in Political Science and Public Administration from the Complutense University of Madrid, Master in International Economic Relations and Foreign Trade from the European University of Madrid and MBA from the University of Deusto, he has worked especially in the field of public policies, regulation of telecommunications and the generation of knowledge associated with information technologies, its main trends and their impact on development, particularly in Latin America. Before joining ASIET in 2012, he was part of the Corporate and Institutional Affairs team at Telefónica Latinoamérica.
Alejandro Delgado
CRC, Colombia

Alejandro Delgado Moreno. Currently an advisor at the Colombian Communications Regulation Commission, with knowledge in Public policy related to ICT, Internet Governance, privacy, telecommunications, Internet and society, Intellectual Property; Technology Law, E-commerce, and digital entrepreneurship. He worked for the Colombian ICT Ministry as an advisor and as the head of the International Office; he also has been the Head (and founder) of the Telecommunications, Media and New Technologies of a Colombian Law Firm and a speaker on digital issues and entrepreneur.
Roberto Mitsuake Hirayama
Anatel, Brazil

Roberto Mitsuake Hirayama, currently Regulation Specialist at Anatel (Brazilian Telecommunication Regulatory Agency), has 20 years’ experience on the Telecom sector, having worked in telecom manufacturers, large and medium sized telecommunications operators and for 12 years at several departments of the Regulatory Agency (Anatel), especially on Planning and Regulation/Policy roles and in the discussions for the adoption of the Brazilian Digital Terrestrial Television System (SBTVD-T) and the discussion on the transition and analogue switch-off currently been performed in Brazil. In ITU, Roberto has been following ITU-T and ITU-D activities since 2008, both in the ITU-T in Study Groups 9 and 16, where he helped standardizing the IPTV/DTV middleware Ginga (H.761), alongside with R&D institutions of Brazil (PUC-Rio, UFJF, and UFPB) and also in ITU-D in Study Group 1, where he is Vice-Chair for the Americas and Rapporteur of Question 8/1.
Satoshi_Miyaji.jpg​Satoshi Miyaji
Chair ITU-T SG9, Japan

Satoshi Miyaji, Chairman, ITU-T SG9, General Manager, Entertainment Business Development Department,KDDI Corporation, Japan
Dr. Miyaji has a long history of participating in the ITU-T SG9 ("television and sound transmission, and integrated broadband cable") almost for twenty (20) years as an expert of broadcasting and telecommunications particularly for cable television networks and services. He served as Vice Chairman of SG9 and Chairman of WP1/9 for eight (8) years in 2009 – 2016. At the WTSA-16 (General Assembly of ITU-T), he has been appointed as Chairman of SG9 for the Study Period 2017 – 2020. In KDDI, he is now responsible for development and deployment of entertainment-related business and services such as video streaming, music distribution, e-books, live concert, and so on.
Natalia Quevedo
CRC, Colombia
Mariana_Samiento_.pngMariana Sarmiento
CRC, Colombia

Mariana Sarmiento has a bachelor’s degree in Finance and International Relations from Universidad Externado de Colombia. She is specialist in Telecommunication Regulation and Management and New Technologies from the same university. Her work experience began in Colombia in 2004 as financial analyst for the Banco Conavi, today Bancolombia, and the Banco Agrario de Colombia. Since 2005, she works for the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC), advised several projects on telecom regulation. Also, she has been directing several areas of the CRC, such as: the Customer Service Area, the Administrative and Financial Area and the International Area. She is currently the Manager of the Agents Relationship at the CRC.
​​Lorenzo Sastre
ASIET, Spain

Lorenzo Sastre has the degree of Telecommunications Engineer by the Technical High School of Telecommunications Engineers of Barcelona (ETSITB). He worked in several areas of the telecommunication sector, from the design and implementation of digital equipment (Intelsa/Ericcson), to management, planning and strategy functions in Telefónica, representing Telefónica on various international bodies; CEPT-T, Commission of the European Union, ICANN, WTO and ITU.  He participated in the process of creation of ETNO (European Telecommunication Network Operators) in which association was appointed as Chairman of the Working Group of "Trans-European Networks" and also was acting as delegate in the WG on “Internet Governance”. From 1999 to 2007, he was part of the Corporate Regulation team in Telefónica S.A. (Corporation), focusing his activity on the Latin American regulation, participating in the Board of Directors of ASIET (Asociación Interamericana de Empresas de Telecomunicaciones) on behalf of Telefónica S.A. as well as coordinating the regulatory policy among Telefónica S.A. and TLATAM (Telefónica Latin America), responsible for the organization of the annual summit of Regulators and Telecomm Operators (ASIET-REGULATEL). He is currently part of the ASIET's Expert Group as a regulatory adviser, acting as secretary of the Regulatory Commission of ASIET, representing ASIET in the Working Group 3 of the ITU T, and WG 1 and 2 of the ITU D and occasionally in the ITU Council Group.
István Bozsoki

Mr Istvan Bozsoki joined the ITU in 1997 to work at the Space Department of the Radiocommunication Bureau and he was dealing with coordination and notification of satellite systems. In 2007 he moved to the Telecommunication Development Bureau and is responsible for
spectrum management and broadcasting issues. Since April 2013 he is Head of Spectrum Management and Broadcasting Division.
After obtaining his degree in telecommunication engineering at the Technical University Budapest in 1980 he spent 17 years at the Hungarian Communication Authority and he was dealing with technical and regulatory aspects of the spectrum management. Among others, he was responsible for the development of a computerized spectrum management system and for cross-border frequency coordination. Later, he was appointed as director of international affairs. He has a master degree in radiocommunications and broadcasting.
Aminata Amadou Garba

Aminata Amadou Garba is Technology Coordinator at the Telecommunications Network & Spectrum Management Division (TND) in the ITU Development Bureau (BDT). She is a telecommunications engineer with background in telecommunications technologies, policies and infrastructure. She held several positions in telecommunications including Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Africa and Director General of the Multi-Sector Regulatory Authority of Niger. She received the masters and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from McGill University, Canada
Bilel Jamoussi

Tunisian born, Dr. Bilel Jamoussi is Chief of the Study Groups Department of ITU Standardization Bureau in Geneva Switzerland. Since 2010, he has been leading the bureau’s standards making activities into a new era characterized by rapid convergence and the need for increased collaboration with vertical sectors and partnership between developed and developing countries. Prior to 2010, Jamoussi worked for a Telecommunication equipment and solutions provider for 15 years in Canada and then in the United States where he held several leadership positions and was granted 22 US patents in diverse areas including packet, optical, wireless, and quality of service.
He holds a BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, USA. He is fluent in Arabic, French, and English and speaks some Spanish and German.
Anamaria Meshkurti

AnaMaria Meshkurti is in charge of ITU-T's non-statutory events including workshops, seminars and forums and part of the Bridging the Standardization Gap team. She is a communications professional with a strong background in public relation and events management. Prior to joining ITU she worked for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), as well as in various UK based NGOs. She holds diplomas in Marketing and Communications as well as International Relations and Global Governance.
Bruno Ramos

Bruno Ramos is graduated in electronic engineering from the Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and holds two Master's degrees, one in telecom regulation and the other in Electronic Engineering, from the University of Brasilia (UnB).  The career of Bruno Ramos is focused in the telecommunications sector and in information and communication technologies (ICTs) related issues. He worked for companies such as TELESP (Telecomunicações de São Paulo) and TELEBRAS (Telecomunicações Brasileiras) before joining the Brazilian regulatory body, Anatel, where he worked for over 16 years. Bruno Ramos was Anatel’s Superintendent for data, mobile and satellite communication. As a Brazilian representative in ITU, he was Vice-President of the Study Commissions of the ITU Standardization Sector from 2000 to 2013. In several occasions Bruno Ramos was the Head of the Brazilian Delegation in International Conferences. Since 2013, Bruno Ramos is the ITU Regional Director for the Americas region, based in Brasilia. He is responsible for maintaining and developing relationships vis à vis with representatives of the highest levels from Governments and members of the ITU, regional and international organizations, in order to adopt initiatives and projects related to the development of the telecommunications and ICTs sector.
Rodrigo Robles

Mr. Rodrigo Robles works as Program Officer of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), based in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. It is the ITU focal point for emergency telecommunications in the Americas. Additionally, as part of ITU, he has led different studies such as "Policy Guidelines and Economic Aspects of Allocation and Use of the Spectrum", "The Development of Mobile Government in Latin America" '. He has also participated in different topics related to the convergence of telecommunications services, mobile banking, compliance and interoperability of telecommunications equipment, among others. Mr. Robles coordinated the third update of the Blue Book "Telecommunications Policy for the Americas Region (CITEL and ITU). Likewise, he was Chair of the Working Group on Policy and Regulation (GTPR) of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL-OAS), in addition he was Deputy Coordinator of the Standardization Committee of the Regional Technical Telecommunications Commission of Central America (COMTELCA). Prior to joining the ITU work team in 2013, Mr. Robles worked for more than 16 years in the Telecommunications Superintendence of Guatemala (SIT) and for 5 years in GUATEL (State telecommunications operator in Guatemala).
Stefano Polidori

Stefano is Advisor at the International Telecommunication Union and responsible for the technical secretariat of ITU-T Study Group 9 "Broadband cable and TV”. He is also responsible for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) activities, including the Symposium on the Future Networked Car at the Geneva Motor Show. Stefano is the ITU representative to the European Multi Stakeholder Platform on ICT Standardization at the European Commission. After few years in the private sector, joined the ITU in 2004 covering various positions including Coordinator for ITU Kaleidoscope academic conference and Advisor for Study Group 11 "Signalling, protocols and test specifications". Stefano holds a Master in Electronic Engineering from the University of Rome, Italy and a Master of Science in mobile communication from Aalborg University, Denmark.
​Christine Sund