Recommendation ITU-R M.1768-1 - Methodology for calculation of spectrum requirements for the terrestrial component of International Mobile Telecommunications (
April 2013)
“This Recommendation describes a methodology for the calculation of terrestrial spectrum requirement estimation for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT).
It provides a systematic approach that incorporates service categories (a combination of service type and traffic class), service environments (a combination of service usage pattern and teledensity), radio environments, market data analysis and traffic estimation by using these categories and environments, traffic distribution among radio access technique groups (RATGs), required system capacity calculation and resultant spectrum requirement determination. The methodology is applicable to packet switch-based traffic and can accommodate multiple services. It can also accommodate circuit switched emulation traffic using a reservation based concept.”
Report ITU-R M.2243 - Assessment of the global mobile broadband deployments and forecasts for International Mobile Telecommunications (
March 2011)
This Report reviews both the market and traffic forecasts for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) that were developed in previous study periods (extending from 2000-2007) and assesses the current perspectives and future needs of mobile broadband that would be supported by IMT over the next decade (2012-2022). It also presents new traffic forecasts provided by a number of industry sources for the forecast up to 2015 and one source for the forecast between 2015 and 2020 taking into account new market trends and market drivers.
Report ITU-R M.2289
Future radio aspect parameters for use with the terrestrial IMT spectrum estimate methodology of Recommendation ITU-R M.1768-1 (
March 2014)
This document presents the future radio aspect parameters for use with the terrestrial IMT spectrum estimate methodology of Recommendation ITU-R M.1768-1 in conjunction with developing the future spectrum requirement estimate for terrestrial IMT systems, principally focused towards the years 2020 and beyond.
This Report provides the results of new studies on estimated spectrum requirements for terrestrial IMT in the year 2020. In order to reflect the advances in technologies and the deployments of IMT networks, the spectrum requirements are calculated using the updated methodology in Recommendation ITU-R M.1768-1. This Report utilizes information on traffic growth in different mobile telecommunication markets, including those of IMT networks, as provided in Report ITU-R M.2243.
This activity is in support of the future views of the marketplace for IMT and for WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 and addresses the traffic and related market demand and users needs towards the years 2020 focusing on terrestrial IMT – including “traffic related” inputs and parameters for use with the terrestrial IMT spectrum estimate methodology.
Recommendation ITU-R M.2083, “IMT Vision – Framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond” identifies three main usage scenarios currently envisaged for IMT-2020, while acknowledging the possible emergence of additional use cases. The three usage scenarios are enhanced mobile broadband, ultra-reliable and low latency communications, and massive machine-type communications.
Among these scenarios, spectrum in the frequency range between 24.25-86 GHz would be needed to satisfy the expected data rates of the enhanced mobile broadband usage scenario. IMT-2020 systems will incorporate the use of new technologies that benefit from the physical characteristics of the frequency bands in the range from 24.25 to 86 GHz and the large bandwidths potentially available.