The ITU Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar on “IMT towards 2020 and beyond – Technology & Spectrum” is being organized by ITU and is kindly hosted by
Ministry of Information and Communication of Viet Nam with support from various sponsoring entities; on 11th of February 2014 in New World Saigon Hotel, Ho
Chi Minh City - Viet Nam.
The objective of this event is to highlight the importance of IMT for ICT development and emphasize the need to adopt harmonized solutions to issues
related technological advancement and spectrum availability for IMT systems in future.
It will give a good insight into the development of IMT technologies in the near term as well as on ITU and external research activities for IMT beyond 2020 and provide the opportunity to ask questions from the experts involved in the work.
The Seminar is essentially targeted towards the senior officials from Ministries, Regulators, Industry, National Spectrum Managing organizations, academia
and International organizations involved in developing ICT policies, regulations, operations, strategies and other associated development activities within Asia-Pacific region.
Please find below the provisional program while other relevant information including the practical information for participants, registration and
fellowship request forms of the event could be accessed on the right hand side under tab Event Documents.
Please Note:
- This seminar will be followed immediately by the meeting of ITU-R Working Party 5D, the group dealing with IMT systems, from 12-19 February 2014. Details
of this meeting can be found at: http://1f8a81b9b0707b63-19211.webchannel-proxy.scarabresearch.com/md/R00-SG05-CIR-0044&type=sitems/es
- For any other additional information please feel free to contact Mr. Aamir Riaz (aamir.riaz@itu.int ) or Mr.
Christiono Andreas (andreas.christiono@itu.int)
Topic | Speaker |
| Mr. Doan Quang Hoan, Director General ARFM |
| Ms. Aurora Rubio, Head ITU AO for south East Asia
| Mr. Stephen Blust, Chairman ITU-R WP5D |
| Ms. Amy Sanders, ALU |
| Mr. Antti Toskala, NSN |
| Mr. Johan Skold, ericsson |
| Mr. Haeyoung Jun, Samsung |
| Mr. Dinh Chi, ARFM |
| Mr. Aamir Riaz, ITU-D |
| Mr. Hiroyuki Atarashi, NTT DoCoMo |
| Ms. Eiman Mohyeldin, NSN |
| Mr. Soglo Bienvenu, Qualcomm |
| Mr. Lasse Wieweg, Ericsson |
| Mr. Jiao Jian, Huawei |
| Mr. Reza Arefi, Intel |