[CR/455] Implementation of Resolution
559 [COM5/3] (WRC-19)
[CR/400] Implementation of revised Appendices
30 and
30A (Rev. WRC-15) and Resolution
556 (WRC-15)
[CR/396] Use of one space station to bring frequency assignments to geostationary-satellite networks at different orbital locations into use within a short period of time
[CR/343] Implementation of provisions relating to the bringing into use and suspension of a frequency assignment to a space station in the geostationary-satellite orbit
[CR/338] Submission of Appendix
4 information for space services to the Radiocommunication Bureau and the update of related BR software and databases
[CR/337] Submission of Graphical Diagrams of Satellite Network Filings
[CR/313] Implementation of Appendix
30B in accordance with Resolution
149 (WRC-07)
[CR/306] Upgrade and release of SNS database (version 6.1) and corresponding BR software following the implementation of Appendix
30B in accordance with Resolution
149 (WRC-07)
[CR/305] Mandatory use of the SpaceCom software package from 1 July 2009
[CR/302] Implementation of Appendix
30B in accordance with Resolution
149 (WRC-07)
[CR/299] Implementation of Appendix
30B in accordance with Resolution
149 (WRC-07)
[CR/295] Administrative arrangements for the implementation of cost recovery for satellite network filings in accordance with Decision
482 (modified,2008)
[CR/284] Submission of Appendix
4 information for Space Services to the Radiocommunication Bureau
[CR/280] Implementation of revised Appendix
30B (Rev. WRC-07) and Resolution
149 (COM 5/8) WRC-07
[CR/278] Publication of the updated reference situation of the Appendix
30B and list for the Fixed Satellite Service
[CR/263] Use of Special Sections in lieu of the publication of Circular Telegrams for recording new allotments and assignments in the Appendix
30B Plan and List
[CR/260] Publication of the updated reference situation of the Appendix
30B Plan for the Fixed-satellite Service -
resolves 6 of Resolution
146 (WRC-03)
[CR/252] Submission of notices to the Radiocommunication Bureau for the publication of the information relating to space services
[CR/222] Submission of Appendix
4 information on Space Services to the Radiocommunication Bureau
[CR/211] Submission of Appendix
4 information on space services to the Radiocommunication Bureau
[CR/205] Updating the Reference Situation of the Appendices
30 and
30A Plans and Lists due to implementation of Revised Antenna Patterns
[CR/201] Publication of the updated reference situation of the Appendix
30B Plan for the Fixed-Satellite Service.
Resolves 5 of Resolution
146 [COM6/1] (WRC-03).
[CR/199] Modifications to the provisions of
resolves 2 of Resolution
49 (REV WRC-03)
[CR/195] Administrative Due Diligence Applicable to some Satellite Radiocommunication Services
[CR/183] Implementation of Resolution
53 (Rev.WRC-2000), Updating of the "Remarks" columns in the Tables of Article 9A of Appendix
30A and Article 11 of Appendix
30 to the Radio Regulations
[CR/169] Submission of Notices to the Radiocommunication Bureau for the publication of information relating to Space Services
[CR/168] Administrative Arrangements for the Implementation of Cost Recovery for Satellite Network Filings in Accordance with Decision
482 Modified (C2001)
[CR/167] Implementation of
resolves 5 of Resolution
533 (Rev.WRC-2000) - Requirement for coordination of submissions received under Article 7 of Appendices
S30 and
S30A with the WRC-2000 R1/R3 downlink and feeder-link Plans and Lists of additional uses
[CR/165] Rule of Procedure on the receivability of notices and related correspondence in respect of space and terrestrial services
[CR/158C-1] Required Appendix
4 data elements for the submission of information to the Radiocommunication Bureau under Appendices
30A and
[CR/158] Required Appendix
S4 data elements for the submission of information to the Radiocommunication Bureau under Appendices
S30A and
[CR/157] Changes to the Appendices
S30A Regions 1 and 3 Plans and Lists of additional uses due to a bug recently identified in ITU Software
[CR/153] Updating the Reference Situations for Appendices
S30A and
S30B Plans and Lists due to new versions of GIMS and MSPACEg software applications
[CR/148-c1] Corrigendum 1 to CR/148 - Processing of notices submitted under Appendices
S30 and
S30A; Implementation of
resolves 2, 3, 4 and
5 of Resolution
533 (Rev.WRC-2000)
[CR/148] Processing of notices submitted under Appendices
S30 and
S30A - Implementation of
resolves 2, 3, 4 and
5 of Resolution
533 (Rev.WRC-2000)
[CR/146] Publication of the reference situation of the Appendices
S30 (WRC-2000) and
S30A (WRC-2000) Plans and of the Lists for Regions 1 and 3
[CR/144] Application of Resolution
55 (WRC-2000) for the submission of information to the Radiocommunication Bureau for publication of information relating to Space Services