ITU's 160 anniversary

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Appendices 30 & 30A BSS Plan (including associated MSPACEg software)

​​​​​​​​Various World Radiocommunication Conferences have revised Appendices 30 and 30A to the Radio Regulations.
The Bureau is using the revised Appendices 30 and 30A as adopted at WRC-23 in its examination of the regulatory and technical aspects of submissions to modify the Plans/Lists. It is also publishing the related Special Sections, that contain the filed satellite network characteristics and coordination requirements.  

The 41 new entries in the Appendices 30 and 30A Plans in Regions 1 and 3 acceded by WRC-23 in the framework of Resolution 559 (WRC-19) have been published in 82 AP30/P/ and AP30A/P/ Special Sections in BR IFIC 3018 of 2 April 2024. The corresponding previous assignments in the Plans have been removed.​ 

The latest reference situations resulting from these modifications to the constantly evolving Plans/Lists are contained in the zipped SPS database below.

Space Plans Systems (SPS) Version 9 Database

Type Name Modified File Size   7/1/2025   74087 KB  
NOTE 1 - The technical characteristics and reference situation (EPM/OEPM) for the Appendix 30/30A Plans & Lists and for pending Article 4 networks are provided in the Space Plans Systems (SPS) Version 10 database (MS Access format).
In order to properly view the SPS database, SpaceCap (v10 or later) or SpacePub (v10 or later) software is required. SPS (v10 or later) is required to perform an MSPACE analysis on the networks contained in this database. Note that this database does not yet contain data for Appendix 30B networks (The Appendix 30B database is here).
NOTE 2 - Reference EPM values provided in the Regions 1 & 3 Plan and List files were calculated taking into account the interfering effect between Plan and List assignments and a 9° orbital separation limit. The user should set the MSPACEg options accordingly.

NOTE 3 - The following software needs to be installed to perform an analysis on the various Space Plans.
 The installation package for the latest versions of the SPS, GIBC and GIMS software application can be downloaded at​

The Bureau has produced video presentations to assist administrations in using the SPS/MSPACEg & GIBC software applications:
MSPACEg_R13_DL  shows how to run MSPACEg for Appendix 30 Region 1 & 3 downlink assignments.
MSPACEg_R13_FL  shows how to run MSPACEg for Appendix 30A Region 1 & 3 feeder-link assignments.

MSPACEg_R2  shows how to run MSPACEg for Appendices 30 & 30A Region 2 assignments.

GIBC_AP30_30A  shows how to run GIBC to check PFD hard-limits of Appendix 30 & 30A assignments. 
GIBC_PFD_Terrestrial  shows how to run GIBC to check PFD limits of Appendix 30 assignments to protect terrestrial services. 
GIBC_PFD_Space  shows how to run GIBC to check PFD limits of Appendix 30 assignments to protect space services. 
GIBC_PFD_Appendix_8  shows how to run GIBC to check Delta T/T limits of Appendix 30A assignments to protect space services.