Notes for users
This page shows notes for users of e-Submission.
Notes for users (02.07.2019)
Please don't upload and submit files in a compressed format such as zip, rar, etc. because all users can upload every type of files without compressing and changing extentions through e-Submission system.
If you submit your filings, the Bureau may not open the compressed file and the treatment in the Bureau may be delayed.
Important Notice (20.12.2018)
| The Bureau is NOT in a position to accept any submissions of satellite network filings or SpaceCom comments by email after 15 January 2019 from all administrations other than exceptional cases.
| On an exceptional basis, administrations could request the Bureau for assistance (by sending an email to with the electronic filing and any relevant attachments) to upload filings on their behalf, in order not to delay the submission of a filing.
| Kindly note that such request for assistance should include a description of the difficulty faced by the Administration in the use of the system.
Notes for users (03.09.2018)
| On an exceptional basis, administrations could request the Bureau for assistance (by sending an email to with the electronic filing and any relevant attachments) to upload and submit filings on their behalf. Kindly note that such request for assistance should include a description of the difficulty faced by the Administration in the use of the e-Submission system. |
| The Bureau sometimes receives submissions of same notices via email and e-Submission from an administration. If your administration submits a notice through e-Submission, please don't submit of the same notice by email.
| In the cases of online submissions of Spacecom comments, kindly submit only one spacecom mdb file per submission.
Notes for users (01.09.2018)
| All users and their respective roles registered in the system during the testing phase of “e-Submission for Satellite Network Filings” have been carried forward to the production system as from 1 August 2018.
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