ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Abstract of e-Submission

​​​​Abstract of e-Submission​


The e-Submission of Satellite Network Filings is a secure paperless electronic approach for Administrations and Operators to submit all satellite network filings and comments with any attachment files.

  • The current system is focusing on the submission function. Other functions such as online publication, online capturing etc. will be deployed in future developments.
  • The general procedures for submissions by an Administration/Operator/Intergovernmental Satellite Organization and the acceptance and publication of As-Received by BR are shown in the figure below.


Background and purposes

​This system has been developed under Resolution 908 (Rev.WRC-15): Electronic submission and publication of satellite network filings.

Please go here for more details.

Users of this system

The users are: (1) Administrations, (2) Operators, (3) Intergovernmental Satellite Organizations (IGSO) and (4) ITU staff of Bureau (BR) who have either a TIES account or an ITU account.

Please go here​ for more details.

Applicable Provisions on this system

Users can submit all satellite network filings and comments with any attachment files.
Please go here for more details.

Main Functions of the system

​This system has following functions for users to facilitate submissions and satellite coordination.
  • Validation
  • Tracking the status
  • Acknowledgement
  • Event history

Please go here for more details.