Resolution 8 (WRC-23) defines the tolerances for certain orbital characteristics of non-geostationary-satellite orbit (non-GSO) systems. These include systems operating in the fixed-satellite service (FSS), broadcasting-satellite service (BSS), or mobile-satellite service (MSS). It establishes procedures for handling deviations between notified orbital characteristics (such as inclination, apogee, and perigee) and the actual deployed characteristics of non-GSO space stations.
This Resolution ensures that such deviations do not lead to increased interference or higher protection requirements, maintaining efficient use of orbital and spectrum resources.
This resolution applies to:
- Frequency assignments notified under Articles 9 and 11 of the Radio Regulations and subject to Resolution
35 (REV.WRC-23).
- Systems with orbital planes having an eccentricity less than 0.5 and an apogee altitude below 15 000 km.
Notifying administrations must submit deployment information listed in Annex 1 of Resolution
8 (WRC-23) when bringing into use, bringing back into use and providing information on RES35 milestones.
- For frequency assignments brought (back) into use or submission of deployment information under Resolution
35 (REV. WRC-23) before 1 January 2025, the required orbital tolerance information must be provided by 1 April 2025.
- For frequency assignments brought (back) into use or submission of deployment information under Resolution
35 (REV. WRC-23) on or after 1 January 2025, the information must be submitted at the time as the notifying administrations informs the Bureau of the bringing (back) into use or submission of RES35.
Satellite systems subject to Resolution 8 (REV. WRC-23)
- The Bureau will publish the RES 8 Space network list after reception and processing of RES8 submissions
Submission of Resolution 8 (WRC-23) filings
- The RES8 notices (SNS databse) should be created using the BR software (V10.0) BRSIS/Capture
- The RES8 notices and relevant attachments should be submitted to the Bureau using the e-Submission system.
- The BRSIS/Capture tool allows user to create a RES8 notice either from scratch, by uploading the associated Notification notice or by uploading a RES8 XML file
- The space stations in a RES8 notice should be linked to the new SNS field [itu_sat_id] of [phase] table which uniquely identified a space station in a Notification filing.
Publication of Resolution 8 (WRC-23)
- As required under resolves 8 of Resolution 8 (WRC-23), upon receipt of the required deployment information, the Bureau will make this information available “As received" on the e-submission system. The information made available thereto includes the MDB format of the submission, explanation and or technical demonstration, if applicable, as well as any letter that accompanied the submission.
The RES8 submission information will be included as a BR note in the Part II-S publication or the RES35 Special sections publication the BR IFIC (Space services)