Resolution 35 (REV. WRC-23) defines a milestone-based approach for the implementation of frequency assignments to space stations in a non-geostationary-satellite system in specific frequency bands and services.
This Resolution applies to frequency assignments to non-GSO systems brought into use in accordance with Nos.
11.44 and
11.44C, in the frequency bands and for the services listed in the
table of this Resolution.
The notifying administration should submit deployment information at
four stages:
- M0 = initial deployment information under Resolve 2 and 3
- M1= 1st milestone, deployment information under Resolve 7.a and 8.a
- M2= 2nd milestone, deployment information under Resolve 7.b and 8.b
- M3= 3rd milestone, deployment information under Resolve 7.c and 8.c
Satellite systems subject to Resolution 35 (REV. WRC-23)
- The Bureau maintains the RES 35 Space network list
- All satellite systems subject to the Resolution 35 (REV. WRC-23) and published in PART I-S, PART II-S or PART III-S of the BRIFIC are listed
For each of these satellite systems, the list displays its status related to the different milestones defined in Resolution 35 (REV. WRC-23) with a link to the publication if available.
Submission of Resolution 35 filings
New! The RES35 notices (SNS databse) should be created using the BR software (V10.0) BRSIS/Capture.
The RES35 notices and relevant attachments should be submitted to the Bureau using the e-Submission system.
Please note that the online Capture tool which was previously used for RES35 submissions has been disabled.
- The BRSIS/Capture tool allows user to create a RES35 notice either from scratch or by uploading a RES35 XML file
New! The space stations in a RES35 notice should be linked to the new SNS field [itu_sat_id] of [phase] table which uniquely identified a space station in a Notification filing.
Publication of Resolution 35 Special sections and database
- As required under
resolves 5a) and 10a) of Resolution
35 (REV. WRC-23), upon receipt of the required deployment information, the Bureau will make this information available
“As received" on the e-submission system.
- The RES35 Special sections are published on the BR IFIC (Space services) and on the
SNL online system
- The RES35 information published in the BR IFIC are available in the SRS database
New! RES35 notices submitted before year 2025 have been converted in SNS V10 and all space stations have been linked to a unique space station in the notification filing via the itu_sat_id. As the Bureau did not have the precise information, it linked by order of space stations in orbital planes. The Bureau will correct the information when Resolution 8 information will be received.