At the kind invitation of the
State Communications Agency under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the ITU Regional Radiocommunication Seminar 2015 for Eastern Europe and the CIS countries (RRS-15- Eastern Europe and the CIS) will be held in
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, from 2 to 6 March 2015, in cooperation with the
Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC).
This seminar will be held in the following format:
- A pre-seminar web tutorial will be available on this webpage, with the basic concept of: spectrum management at national and international levels, their links with ITU Radio Regulations (RR), the ITU and ITU-R structures and functions, including the ITU-R study groups and BR departments, and ITU basic texts, with the main focus on RR and their associated Rules of Procedure (RoP). A good understanding of the pre-seminar web tutorial concepts is required in order to be able to participate actively in the seminar.
- The first one and a half day of the event will be devoted to presentations on general issues of spectrum management and international regulations for terrestrial and space services, including the relevant coordination, examination and registration procedures. These sessions will also cover the issues of efficient use of orbit/spectrum resources, terrestrial and space frequency plans, ITU-R Study Group activities and some other subjects.
- The subsequent sessions will be devoted to terrestrial and space workshops, providing participants with hands-on experience on ITU notification procedures for each type of service, and of the software and electronic publications made available by the Radiocommunication Bureau.
- The event will conclude with a one-day Forum on WRC-15 preparations, future use of the 700 MHz and 800 MHz bands, trends in mobile service technologies and digital broadcasting, issue of harmful interference, nano- and picosatellites and methods of calculation of spectrum utilization fees.