ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

RRS-15 Eastern Europe and the CIS Terrestrial Workshop

​​​​​​​​​​​​The objective of the terrestrial workshop is to enable participants to become familiar, inter alia, with the notification procedures, the preparation of frequency assignment/allotment notices, the BR IFIC DVD and the Broadcasting service planning software.​​

Workshop materials and videos


Overview of the BR IFIC DVD

mp4 video zip file

Installation of the BR IFIC DVD

mp4 video zip file

TerRaNotices - Part B publication request

mp4 video zip file

TerRaNotices - Multiple links in shared bands

mp4 video zip file

TerRaNotices - Many notices in 1 file

mp4 video zip file

TerRaNotices - Modify recorded assignment

mp4 video zip file

TerRaNotices - Modify notice from DB

mp4 videozip file

WISFAT submission

mp4 video zip file

TerRaQ - Search for a notice

mp4 videozip file

TerRaQ - DB conversion

mp4 video zip file