ITU News related to the event (click on the image below to access it):
Time and place: Wednesday 15 July 2020, 12:00 – 13:30 UTC (14h00 – 15h30 Geneva time) (Webinar)
ITU-D Study Groups were pleased to invite you to join us for a public webinar focusing on ICTs for climate action and rebuilding greener economies after COVID-19.
Background Information:
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that we can no longer consider incremental progress the way forward – sustainable, green and environmental development must be accelerated.
COVID-19 has ‘short-circuited’ many human activities, including some that have wreaked significant damage to environmental systems such as extensive air travelling, using plastics, travelling by car to the supermarket and others.
ICTs have stepped in to provide alternative ways – and sometimes better - of doing things. This could enable us to ‘reboot’ from the crisis by taking on a more sustainable, inclusive and environmental responsible approach to our economy. This does not only apply to businesses that embrace virtual operations, but also to everyday citizen, who would have the opportunity to adopt new ways of learning and living. Some initial examples include:
- Online meetings replacing carbon intensive travel and events
- Working from home with good connectivity and home computers, reducing the carbon emissions of the commute, and office energy consumption
- Cashless transactions are replacing plastic and paper money and paper receipts
- Online learning reducing the environmental impact of education, while breaking down geographical barriers
- Ordering groceries online, as groceries can optimize routes, replacing multiple round trips with one loop that can be with electrified means of transportation
- Learning on Youtube, Pinterest, Weibo about how to mend clothes, cook at home, reducing food waste of retail food, and increasing conscious consumption
- Virtual entertainment – from Netflix to Playstation
- Using Virtual Reality to travel
- Connecting with friends – we are learning that we are all a click away
On the other hand, technological consumption (through digital platforms and equipment) is on the rise during COVID-19, which could increase global GHG emissions and e-waste quantities. Information and Communication Technology already accounts for 3.5 percent of global emissions, and is projected to reach 14 percent by 2040.
Topics addressed:
- What are the lessons learned from COVID-19 and the increased use of ICTs in addressing the major challenges related to climate change and a circular economy?
- How can ICTs help rebuild economies in an environmentally responsible manner after COVID-19?
- What are key policy changes and standards related to the sustainable use of ICT that could be implemented to help combat climate change, as economies start to rebuild after COVID-19?
- Mr Ahmad Reza Sharafat, Chairman of ITU-D Study Group 2, Iran (Islamic Republic of) [Biography]
- Ms
Aprajita Sharrma, Co-Rapporteur for Question 6/2, Ministry of Communications, India [Biography]
Ms Sara Venturini, Climate Coordinator, Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Secretariat [Biography]
The value of Earth observation for climate action during and after COVID-19 [Presentation]
Ms Janet Salem, Economic Affairs Officer, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) [Biography]
How COVID-19 has accelerated use of technology for low carbon behaviours [Presentation]
Mr Dulip Tillekeratne, Senior Manager, GSM Association
CleanTech Role in the post COVID-era [Presentation]
Mr Paolo Gemma, Chairman of ITU-T Working Party 2/5, Huawei (Italy) [Biography]
Climate Action – The role of ICTs in leading a carbon neutral path [Presentation]