Measuring the Information Society Report 2010
The MIS Report features the ITU ICT Development Index (IDI) and the ICT Price Basket - two benchmarking tools to measure the Information Society. The IDI captures the level of advancement of ICTs in 159 countries worldwide and compares progress made between 2007 and 2008. It also measures the global digital divide and examines how it has developed in recent years. The report also features the latest ICT Price Basket, which combines 2009 fixed telephone, mobile cellular and fixed broadband tariffs for 161 economies into one measure and compares these across countries, and over time. The analytical report is complemented by a series of statistical tables providing country-level data for all indicators included in the Index.
*Annex 4 features the statistical tables of tariffs used to compute the ICT Price Basket. It includes detailed tariff data for 161 countries broken down by cost of fixed telephone services, the cost of mobile cellular services and the cost of fixed broadband Internet services, for the year 2009.