Measuring Digital Development: ICT Price Trends 2019 monitors the affordability of ICT services by analysing and comparing price data for mobile-voice services, mobile data and fixed broadband for analysts, telecom operators, policy-makers and economists. The report provides analysis in terms of dollar price, exchange-rate adjusted prices and affordability for mobile-voice, mobile and fixed broadband according to internationally agreed baskets for services, including bundled services.
It also provides information on countries' progress towards achieving the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development's target for 2025, according to which entry-level broadband services should be made affordable in developing countries at a level corresponding to less than 2 per cent of monthly GNI per capita.
The price baskets were revised by the Expert Group on Telecommunication Indicators in September 2017.
The current baskets are according to the figure below:
The first data collection using the revised baskets took place in 2018. The rules applied when collecting the data are described in the ICT Price Basket Rules, which are available in the six ITU languages.