ITU Workshop for Europe and CIS Regions “ICT Infrastructure as a Basis for Digital Economy", was organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in collaboration with the State University of Telecommunications. The workshop will take place in Kyiv, Ukraine, from 14 to 16 May 2019.
This workshop was organized in the context of the ITU Regional Initiatives, approved by the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2017 (WTDC-17). The outcomes of this meeting contributed to the ITU Regional Initiative for Europe on “Broadband infrastructure, broadcasting and spectrum management" and the ITU Regional Initiative for CIS on “Fostering innovative solutions and partnership for the implementation of Internet of Things technologies and their interaction in telecommunication networks, including 4G, IMT-2020 and next-generation networks, in the interests of sustainable development".
The workshop was addressed to the executives and experts responsible for ICT infrastructure, broadcasting, spectrum management, e-services and cybersecurity from ministries, regulators, telecom operators, universities and general education institutions, telecommunication equipment manufacturers, research institutes and other interested stakeholders from Europe and CIS regions. The workshop focused on the following questions:
- ICT infrastructure as a basis for digital transformation;
- National strategies for 5G implementation;
- Spectrum requirements and case studies on 5G pilot projects;
- Application technologies of the near future: Internet of things, machine learning, intelligent transport networks, robotics, blockchain;
- Cybersecurity challenges.