ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


ITU Workshop for Europe and CIS
“ICT Infrastructure as a Basis for Digital Economy"
14-16 May 2019 | Kyiv, Ukraine ​

May 14, 2019, Tuesday


Opening remarks:

  • Mr. Volodymyr Tolubko, Rector, State University of Telecommunications, Ukraine 
  • Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU Office for Europe, ITU
  • Mr. Sergyi Starostenko, Director, Department of Electronic Communication, State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine
  • Mr. Volodymyr Korsun, Director General, Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies, Ukraine
  • Mr. Viktor Katok, Chief Advisor on Science and Technology Policy, Ukrtelecom, Official Representative of the Communication Administration of Ukraine in SG15, Ukraine

Session 1: ICT infrastructure as a basis for digital transformation

 Moderator: Ms. Lyubov Berkman, Vice-rector of scientific and pedagogical work, State University of Telecommunications, Ukraine


  • "Innovative technologies as a basis of digital transformation" 
    Mr. Volodymyr Tolubko, Rector, State University of Telecommunications, Ukraine, Presentation
  • “ICT Infrastructure as a basis for Digital Transformation"  
    Dr. Ram Sewak Sharma, Chairman Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), India, Presentation


Session 1 (continued)

Moderator: Ms. Lyubov Berkman, Vice-rector of scientific and pedagogical work, State University of Telecommunications, Ukraine

  • “Connecting the last mile for digital transformation”
    Ms. Aminata Amadou Garba, Technology Coordinator at the Telecommunications Network & Spectrum Management Division (TND), BDT, ITU, Presentation
  • “Measuring digital transformation in Belarus. Methodology and indicators"
    Mr. Yauheni Salauyou, Head of Department, OJSC "Giprosvjaz", Ministry of Communication and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus, Presentation
  • “Prospects for the development of satellite telecommunications as an integral part of ICT infrastructure”
    Mr. Gennadiy Vlasenko, Head of Space Systems and Complexes and Satellite Telecommunications Department, State University of Telecommunications, Ukraine, Presentation
​14:00-15:30Session 2: Legislative, normative and regulatory environment required to enable implementation and development of 4G/5G networks and innovative services

Moderator: Mr. Hiroshi Ota, ITU-T SG15 Counsellor, ITU

  • Standardization of physical telecom infrastructure in ITU"
    Mr. Viktor Katok, Chief Advisor on Science and Technology Policy, Ukrtelecom, Ukraine, Presentation
  • “Implementation of 5G in Europe: Opportunities and Challenges",
    Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Head, ITU Office for Europe, ITU, Presentation
  • Normative and regulatory aspects of the 4G / 5G networks implementation in Ukraine"
    Mr. Igor Yereshchenko, Chief Expert on Spectrum Strategy, Kyivstar, Ukraine, Presentation
​16:00-17:00Session 2 (continued)

Moderator: Mr. Hiroshi Ota, ITU-T SG15 Advisor, ITU, Presentation

  • “Some regulatory aspects of infrastructure development of information and communication technologies for the development of the digital economy"
    Mr. Ivan Hohotva, Director, Department of Communication, National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization, Ukraine
  • “Standardization of Broadband Access and IMT-2020/5G transport support in ITU-T SG15"
    Mr. Hiroshi Ota, ITU-T SG15 Advisor, ITU, Presentation

May 15, 2019, Wednesday

​09:30-10:30Session 3: Spectrum requirements and case studies on 5G pilot projects

Moderator: Mr. Anatoliy Tychynskyi, Adviser to the Director General on Radio Frequency Assignments, Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies, Ukraine

  • “Technical aspects of harmonization of the radio frequency resource usage of Ukraine on the way of introduction of modern and advanced communication technologies"
    Mr. Volodymyr Korsun, Director General, Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies,   Ukraine, Presentation
  • “Outcomes of the 3rd Annual Spectrum Management Conference for CIS and Central and Eastern Europe"
    Mr. Farid Nakhli, Programme Officer, ITU Regional Office for CIS, Presentation
​11:00-12:30Session 3 (continued)

Moderator: Mr. Anatoliy Tychynskyi, Adviser of the Director General on Radio Frequency Assignments, Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies, Ukraine

  • “Bridging Digital Infra Gap in India-“ Last Mile-as-Managed Service"
    Mr. Satya N. Gupta, Chairman - India & BIMSTEC ASIA, Presentation
  • “Normative and technical aspects of measuring coverage of the population by public digital terrestrial wireless networks"
    Mr. Vadym Blagodarnyi, Deputy Director of the Scientific and Methodological Department, Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies,   Ukraine, Presentation

  • “Organizational and technical aspects of enabling environment creation for 5G deployment in the developing countries"
     Mr. Vladislav Kumish, A.S. Popov ONAT, Ukraine, Presentation
​14:00-15:30Session 4: Application technologies of the near future: Internet of Things, machine learning, intelligent transport networks, robotics, blockchain

Moderator: Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU Office for Europe, ITU

  • “Blockchain: EU strategy and key objectives"
    Mr. Massimiliano Dragoni, Senior Policy Officer, Digital Innovation and Blockchain, Digital Single Market Directorate, DG CONNECT, European Commission, Presentation
  • “Technologies to support new/future services and applications"
    Mr. Hiroshi Ota, ITU-T SG15 Advisor, ITU, Presentation
  • “Functionality and identity management in 5G/LTE and IoT networks"
    Mr. Yuriy Kargapolov, CEO, Ukrainian Network Information Center, Ukraine, Presentation
​16:00-17:00Session 4 (continued)

Moderator: Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU Office for Europe, ITU

  • “Self-optimizing radiosystem of 2-5G networks"
    Mr. Andriy Derkach, Regulatory Expert, Lifecell, Ukraine, Presentation
  • “AI technologies in digital future"
    Mr. Mykyta Klymenko, Institute of AI problems, Ukraine, Presentation

 May16, 2019, Thursday

​09:30-11:00Session 5: Cybersecurity challenges

Moderator: Mr. Victor Vyshnivskyi, Head of Department, State University of Telecommunications, Ukraine

  • “Improving the security of consumer smart products: the UK's Secure by Design Programme"
    Ms. Dominique Lazanski, Consultant, Department for Digital Culture, Media and Sport, UK, Presentation
  • “Protection of personal data in modern cyberspace" (15 min)
    Mr. Vasyl Polishchuk, Head of the Support Team for the Implementation of Information Security Systems, Avtor, Ukraine, Presentation
  • “Modern information technologies as an effective tool to protect goods and documents from fraud" (15 min)
    Mr. Maksym Trembovetskyi, Doctor of technical sciences, State University of Telecommunications, Ukraine, Presentation
11:30-12:30Session 5 (continued)

Moderator: Mr. Victor Vyshnivskyi, Head of Department, State University of Telecommunications, Ukraine

  • “Activities of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau on cybersecurity"
    Mr. Farid Nakhli, Programme Officer, ITU Regional Office for CIS, ITU, Presentation
  • “Can one unit make the world safer"
    Mr.Vitalii Voropai, Technical Customer Service Specialist, IBM, Ukraine, Presentation
​14:00-15:00Round table: “Digital economy development in Europe and CIS"

Moderator: Mr. Farid Nakhli, Programme Officer, ITU Regional Office for CIS, ITU


Wrap-up and workshop closure. Conclusions