ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

WTDC-17 Regional Initiatives


Implementation of the WTDC-17 Regional Initiatives

RI 1: Development of e-health to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, at all ages
Objective: To assist the ITU Member States in the region with the development of regulatory texts, technical solutions and specialized training programmes in the field of e-health (including telemedicine), with the aim of providing the public with improved medical services through the use of infocommunications

Expected results:
  1. Provision of more complete information to the representatives of telecommunication administrations, government healthcare authorities, medical institutions and the private sector regarding the current legal/regulatory and organizational/technical frameworks in the area of e-health
  2. Establishment of pilot telemedicine stations with a guaranteed electricity supply derived from solar energy
  3. Development of technical solutions in the field of e-health, including telemedicine, the processing of digital medical data, personalized medical-service records, the electronic outpatient card, the electronic patient health record, and so on
  4. Recommendations on the application of modern technical solutions in the design of e-health systems, including telemedicine networks
  5. Courses focusing on the training of medical students, and on enhancing the skills of practising medical staff, in the use of ICTs in healthcare, including telemedicine, as well as courses for IT specialists on the maintenance of medical information systems
Major outputs:
  1. Specialized multimedia training courses on e-health
  2. Regional workshop for Europe and CIS on e-health, Odessa, Ukraine, 17-19 Oct 2018
  3. Recommendations on the application of modern technical solutions in the design of e-health systems, including telemedicine networks
  4. Online trainings on e-health
  5. Technical report "Design and implementation of telemedicine stations, including based on the renewable energy sources"
RI 2: Use of telecommunications/information and communication technology to ensure inclusive, equitable, quality and safe education, including the enhancement of women's knowledge of ICTs and e-government
Objective: To provide ITU Member States in the region with centralized consultative and technical assistance in the various aspects of the use of telecommunications/information and communication technology(ICT) in education, as well as in regard to raising the level of people's ICT literacy, in the interests of human capacity development and of ensuring gender and social equality.

Expected results:
  1. Provision of consultative and technical support to representatives of educational establishments with regard to current progress in the use of telecommunications/ICTs in education 
  2. Establishment of training centres for enhancing women's knowledge of ICTs and e-government 
  3. Development of educational technologies and methods using telecommunications/ICTs 
  4. Development of systems for providing pupils, parents and teachers with information on the safe use of Internet resources
  5. Further training courses, training sessions and seminars on introducing telecommunications/ICTs into education and human capacity development, including in rural areas, and also for persons with disabilities
Major outputs:
  1. Creation of digital skills center for women and youth in Uzbekistan
  2. Development of multimedia online course for women and girls in Azerbaijan
  3. Creation of information and training center on IP-telephony in Belarus
  4. Creation of smart education ecosystem in Kostanay, Kazakhstan
  5. Regional workshop for Europe and CIS on cybersecurity and child online protection, Odessa, Ukraine, 4-6 Apr 2018
  6. Regional workshop for CIS "National Strategies of Digital Transformation", Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan, 28-29 Aug 2018
  7. Professional trainings for informatics teachers within the framework of ITU initiative 'Connect a School, Connect a Community' in the Kyrgyz Republic​ in 2018-2021
  8. Forum on child online protection, online, 27 Oct 2020
  9. Update of the courses
  10. Localization of onlinesafty in Armenian
  11. Creation of AR/VR lab to model Armenian history and legends, Echmiadzin, Armenia
  12. Trainings for women in Ugrench and Khorezm regions of Uzbekistan
  13. Training on digital transformation for SMEs in Kostanay region of Kazakhstan
  14. Training on cyber hygiene and digital skills for pupils in Kostanay region of Kazakhstan, 8-18 October 2021
  15. Hackathon in Kostanay region of Kazkahstan (23-24 October 2021)
  16. Digital skills assessment in telecom sector of Armenia
  17. Regional baseline assessment on digital accessibility
  18. Localization of the ITU online courses on web accessibility and ICT accessibility into Russian
  19. Training for school teachers on accessible education in Kyrgyzstan, September 2021
  20. Workshop "Experience in training persons with hearing impairments" (Minsk, Belarus, 15-17 November 2021)
  21. ICT training center for children with hearing impairments in Uzbekistan, July-December 2021
RI 3: Development and regulation of infocommunication infrastructure to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and resilient
Objective: To assist ITU Member States in the region in developing regulatory instruments and technical solutions aimed at creating an enabling environment for the development of infocommunication infrastructure in cities and human settlements, including the use of smart devices

Expected results:
  1. Recommendations on the development of infocommunication infrastructure, including the use of telecommunications and other connective media to support and facilitate the sustainable development of smart cities in developing countries
  2. Recommendations on the development of the regulatory and legal framework governing the process of building and servicing infocommunication infrastructure in facilities of diverse ownership, including the use of smart devices for developing urban infrastructure
  3. Implementation of pilot projects for the introduction of smart devices in the interests of road-traffic safety, control of street lighting, energy saving, water-supply management, etc.
  4. Greater awareness on the part of telecommunication administrations, regulatory bodies and telecommunication equipment developers, manufacturers and suppliers as to the strategies to be adopted in regard to the construction, and implementation of the vision, of smart cities in the CIS countries
  5. Further training courses, training sessions and seminars on the infrastructure of cities and human settlements
Major outputs:
  1. Regional cyber drill for CIS, Baku, Azerbaijan, 3-7 Sep 2018
  2. Research: Implementing ITU-T International Standards to Shape Smart Sustainable Cities:
    The Case of Moscow (Flipbook EN - Flipbook RU - Press release - Presentation - PDF EN - PDF RU)
  3. Establishment of a Cyber incident response team (CIRT) in Kyrgyzstan
  4. Forum on “Smart sustainable cities: technological trends, success stories and future prospects” and Training on “Key performance indicators for smart sustainable cities to achieve the SDGs”, Minsk, Belarus, 26-27 Feb 2019
  5. ​​National Training "How to Build a CIRT Based on Open Source Tools", Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 4-7 Mar 2019 
  6. Workshop on Intelligent Transport Systems, Baku, Azerbaijan, 16-17 Apr 2019
  7. Asia-Pacific - CIS Joint Cross Regional Cyberdrill, Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-27 Sep 2019
  8. Regional Cybersecurity Forum for Europe and CIS, ​Sofia, Bulgaria, 27-28 Feb 2020
  9. Forum on smart sustainable cities, Minsk, Belarus, 3-5 Mar 2020
  10. Report on broadband policy and regulation in CIS countries
  11. Smart cities benchmarking project
  12. Forum “Smart sustainable cities: organizational and technical aspects” (Minsk, Belarus, ​16-18 March 2021)
  13. Pliot smart school project in Polotsk, Belarus
  14. First National Cyberdrill, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 28-29 April 2021
  15. GSR Regional Regulatory Roundtable and Regional Economic Dialogue for CIS countries (RRR-RED CIS 2021), online, 15-16 June 2021
  16. Overview of the ITU​ publications on economic and financial regulation
  17. Study and recommendations on ICT infrastructure sharing in Armenia
RI 4: Monitoring the ecological status and the presence and rational use of natural resources
Objective: To assist ITU Member States within the region in monitoring the ecological status and the presence and rational use of natural resources

Expected results:
  1. Development of information systems to support decision-making in regard to monitoring of the ecological status and the presence and rational use of natural resources, including the creation of a spatial data infrastructure
  2. Creation of repositories of metadata relating to the results of studies on the ecological status of the region's natural resources
  3. Provision to the governmental authorities responsible for the conservation of natural resources of high-quality, well-organized and harmonized spatial information for use in analysing and forecasting the state of the environment
  4. Further training courses, training sessions and seminars on monitoring the ecological status and the presence and rational use of natural resources
Major outputs:
  1. Development of spatial data infrastructure for analyzing and monitoring ecological condition in the Central Asia
  2. Workshop for Europe and CIS Regions “Using ICTs to save lives”, Odessa, Ukraine, 24-26 Apr 2019
  3. Regional E-waste Monitor CIS+ 
RI 5: Fostering innovative solutions and partnership for the implementation of Internet of things technologies and their interaction in telecommunication networks, including 4G, IMT-2020 and next-generation networks, in the interests of sustainable development
Objective: To assist ITU Member States within the region with harmonious transformation of the telecommunication market and transition of telecommunication operators to the provision of innovative services to users, ensuring the stability and enhanced performance of telecommunication networks, including 4G, IMT-2020 and next-generation networks within a context of ubiquitous implementation of the Internet of things (IoT) concept and technologies

Expected results:
  1. Development of recommendations on the use of modern technologies and advanced concepts for the operation of the telecommunication market, including principles for telecommunication network interworking, tariff-setting for services, numbering, addressing and identification, as well as issues relating to service quality, security and reliability and traffic management, including aspects of net neutrality
  2. Increased interoperability among telecommunication networks, services and devices through implementation of the IoT concept, including the industrial IoT
  3. Help in ensuring the required level of confidence and security when implementing the large-scale transformation of telecommunication networks within the context of introduction of the IoT concept, including the industrial IoT
  4. Establishment of a single toolkit and a set of specifications for the testing of devices, telecommunication networks and their components within the framework of the IoT concept, including the industrial IoT, on the basis of regional laboratories
  5. Development of recommendations relating to the establishment and operation of regional IoT laboratories, in the interests of sustainable development
Major outputs:
  1. Establishment of the Regional Laboratory on IoT and Future Networks
  2. Regional workshop for CIS on mobile number portability, conformance and interoperability testing of telecom equipment, Moscow, Russia, 1-2 Mar 2018
  3. Regional conference "Internet of Things, Telecommunication Networks and Big Data as Basic Infrastructure for Digital Economy", St. Petersburg, Russia, 4-6 Jun 2018
  4. Regional Workshop “Broadband Development based on 4G and 5G Technologies”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 17-18 Sep 2018
  5. 2nd Annual CIS and Central and South-Eastern European Spectrum Management Conference, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 19-20 Sep 2018
  6. Regional Workshop on Deployment of VoLTE/ViLTE Networks based on IMS. From Standardization to Implementation, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 2-3 Oct 2018
  7. 3rd Annual CIS and CEE Spectrum Management Conference and ITU Workshop “How to achieve interference free communication at the current technological stage”, Minsk, Belarus, 8-11 Apr 2019
  8. Workshop for Europe and CIS Regions “ICT Infrastructure as a Basis for Digital Economy", Kiev, Ukraine, 14-16 May 2019 
  9. Forum "Internet of Things: future applications and services. Perspective 2030"/4th Workshop on Network 2030, St. Petersburg, Russia, 21-23 May 2019
  10. ​ITU-GSMA Workshop "Impact of mobile in Eurasia: Spectrum Policies for the Long Term", Moscow, Russia, 9 Oct 2019
  11. Direct assistance "Unification of data format and data exchange processes in smart cities and development of necessary technical standard", Belarus
  12. Seminar for Europe and CIS on Spectrum Management and Broadcasting, online, 1-2 Jul 2020
  13. Training materials "International cooperation on radiocommunication" (Part1 Part2 Part3)
  14. Technical report "Network 2030"
  15. Technical report "Recommendations on regional IoT labs creation and maintenance"
  16. Technical report "Development of recommendations for service quality requirements under downgrading in pandemic congestion to ensure sustainable operation of communication networks"
  17. Technical report "Development of recommendations for testing augmented reality services on model networks of regional laboratories"
  18. Technical report "Application of AI to analyze and manage traffic in telecom networks"
  19. Technical report "QoE assessment methods for key ICT services in post-COVID-19 realities"
  20. Technical report "Public-private partnership (PPP) mechanisms and concession agreements as a tool to foster infrastructure investment in information and communication technologies and their implementation in the CIS and neighboring countries"
  21. Technical report "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)"
  22. RPM-CIS​ side event: ITU infrastructure planning tools "ITU interactive transmission maps, Giga broadband calculation tool, ICT infrastructure business planning toolkit"(online, 21 April 2021)
  23. Workshop “5G (IMT-2020) networks launch and operation experience” (Minsk, Belarus, 2-4 June 2021)
  24. Information session on standardization priorities (St. Petersburg, Russia, 25-26 August 2021)
  25. Last Mile Connectivity (LMC) tool pilots in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan
  26. Regional Workshop "Implementation of the RA-19 and WRC-19 decisions" (online, 23-24 September 2021)
  27. Forum on Future Networks and C&I (St. Petersburg, Russia, 19-22 October 2021)