In 2015, within the framework of implementation of the regional initiative CIS1, The Alexander Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications (ONAT) in cooperation with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) elaborated a multimedia distance-training course on safe use of the Internet.
The course consists of three levels: basic (for preschool and primary school children), middle (for children of 5th to 9th grade of school) and advanced (for high school students, university students, young parents and teachers). All three levels of the course include more than 300 interactive screens comprising 10 interactive games, 14 animation clips, or animated films, 23 pictures and more than 150 drawings.
The course is meant to be spread among educational institutions of the CIS region and is already available in the Internet at: -
For educational institutions, which do not possess enough Internet Bandwidth, the course is available on CDs.
The Course was presented by Mr. Vadim Kaptur, Pro-rector of ONAT at the workshop for heads of general education institutions on Safe Internet: Key Aspects and Current Trends, which was organized by Department of Education and Science of Odessa City Council, jointly with The Alexander Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and with the support of the ITU and held in Odessa, Ukraine on 2 December 2015.
More detailed information on the workshop is available in the report.
Report of workshop on 2 December.pdf
Similar workshop for heads of general education institutions on Safe Internet: Key Aspects and Current Trends, organized by Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication (IET) under Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after Iskhak Razzakov jointly with The Alexander Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications and with the support of the ITU, was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, on 10 December 2015. The workshop was attended by more than 70 heads of general education institutions, who got acquainted with the multimedia distance-training course on safe use of the Internet.
More detailed information on the workshop is available in the report.
Report of workshop on 10 December.pdf
Also, within the framework of the implementation of regional initiative CIS1, the ONAT elaborated Recommentdations on Selection the Best Solution for Content Filtering (see in Russian).
The implementation of regional initiative CIS1 was discussed at Roundtable on Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Human Development: Child Online Protection; Assistance to Persons with Disabilities; Building Confidence and Security in the Use of ICTs, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 8 December 2015
In 2016, the multimedia distance-training course on safe use of the Internet was also presented within the framework of event dedicated to Safer Internet Day, which were held in general education institutions of the city of Odessa on 9 February 2016. In kindergarten № 29 Department of Education and Science of Odessa City Council jointly with the ONAT conducted a mini-performance on Safer Internet World, after which the preschoolers received certificates of completion of the basic level course.
More detailed information is available in the Report.pdf
Also, the course was presented at 11th Meeting of the Council of WG on CoP in Geneva on 16 February 2016 and promoted during ITU Regional Workshop for CIS and Georgia on Complex Aspects of Cybersecurity in Infocommunications which was held in Odessa from 15 to 17 June 2016.
Also, within the framework of the RI implementation, a database of technical solutions for child online protection (content filtering) and software (automated system) for choosing optimal technical solution were developed. More than 70 existing technical solutions for child online protection were tested by experts and included into the database. The software and database are available in Russian at .
Automated distribution system of "black" and "white" lists of Internet resources was developed, which includes modules for administrators, experts and simple users and can be, therefore, used by educational institutions, telecommunication operators, organizations, and individuals. The system was filled by resources and templates specific for the CIS countries and is available in Russian at .
Interview of Dr. Vadym Kaptur during RPM-CIS in November 2016: