ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Workshop on “Digital Transformation in Digital Economy”

​​​​​6-10 July 2019, Tehran, I.R. Iran​


The International Telecommunication Union and Faculty of Applied Science of Post and Telecommunication, known as ICT Faculty, Ministry of Information and Communications Technology, organized a workshop on “Digital Transformation in Digital Economy”, from 6 to 10 July 2019 in Tehran, I.R. Iran. 
The workshop aimed at sharing best practices and build capacity for ICT stakeholders in the region and I.R. Iran. The main objectives of the workshop are to; inform and created awareness of the use of telecommunications or ICT in support of the digital economy and society; share international best practices on Digital Transformation; and to build capacity and skills development in the digital era through digital transformation.  
The course is offered free of charge and will be conducted in English.


Annex 1 Agenda


Invitation and Registration


Invitation Letter

Registration and logistics​

To register for the above-mentioned training, participants are kindly requested to complete the attached Registration Form (Annex 2) and Accommodation Reservation Form (Annex 3), then send them by email directly to Mr. Hassan Pashaeizad (; with copy to Mr. Sameer Sharma (, by 30 May 2019 at the latest.  

The travel arrangements, accommodation etc. should be made and borne by the participating administration or participants directly. Practical and general information and entry visa requirements for I.R. Iran are contained in Annex 4​​. 

6 July

0930-1030: Opening Session

Opening Remarks: Mr. Sameer Sharma, Senior Advisor, ITU [Speech]

Opening Address: Mr. Claudio Providas, UNDP Resident Representative. I.R. Iran

Welcome Remarks: Mr. Sadegh Abbasi Shahkooh, Head of ICT Faculty, I.R. Iran

Welcome Address: Mr. Sattar Hashemi, Technology and Innovation Deputy Minister, I.R. Iran [Speech]

[Tea/Coffee Break]

1100-1200 Session 02: Achieving SDGs Through Digital Transformation in Digital Economy and Building Digital Skills

●       What is Digital Transformation?
●       Need for cross sectoral collaboration
●       Key ITU initiatives with the UN agencies and partners
●       Digital skills for empowerment of youth

Mr. Sameer Sharma, Senior Advisor, ITU [Presen​tation]

1200-1245 Session 03: Accelerating Digital Transformation in a Global Context

●       Organisations backing digital transformation strategies around the world
●       DT Data
●       Challenges and opportunities

Mr. Peter Argent [Presen​tation​]

1245-1330 Session 04: The Digital Talent Gap: Looking at Leaders and Laggards Based on a Global Survey of Enterprise Workforce Digital Skills Readiness

Mr. Mohsen Malaki, Synergy Consulting, Dubai, UAE [Presentation​]


1430-1530 Session 05: The Role of New Technologies (Blockchain, IoT) in Digital Transformation

    • ​Blockchain, Crypto Currencies and Digital Payment
    • IoT for Digital Transformation
    • Social Impact of improving Innovation in Agriculture, Health, Education and Disaster Management

Mr. Shahryar Muhammad Khan [Presen​tation]

[Tea/Coffee Break]


Session 06: Group presentations

Applying emerging technologies in achieving SDGs

​​Business continuity importance in digital transformation

Mr. Ashraf Hasanov [Presen​tation​]


7 July

0900-0945 Session 07: Digital Transformation in India

    • ​India country overview
    • Role of regulators in digital transformation
    • Regulatory frameworks for emerging technologies
    • Digital India program
    • What other countries can learn from India's success Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, Advisor (Administration and International Relations), TRAI [Presentation]
0945-1030 Session 08: Digital Transformation Strategy in Nepal 
    • Nepal country overview
    • Digital transformation for achieving sustainable development goals
    • Role of regulators in innovation ecosystem
    • ​​Success stories from Nepal

      ​ Mr. Hiranya Prasad Bastakoti (Nepal Telecommunication Authority) [Presentation]


1100-1145 Session 09:  DT Strategy in Bangladesh

    • Bangladesh Country Overview
    • Digital Bangladesh
    • Opportunities, Challenges and Success Stories

       Mr. A. B. M. Badiuzzaman (Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology)
1145-1230 Session 10: DT Strategy in Indonesia
    • Indonesia country overview
    • Digital transformation in Indonesia
    • Opportunities, challenges and success stories

      Mr. Sugeng Budi Prasetyo (Ministry of Communication & Informatics) 


1330-1415 Session 11: DT Strategy in Pakistan 

    • Country overview of Pakistan
    • Digital Pakistan policy
    • Ignite Initiatives - National Incubation Centers,
    • USF (Universal Service Fund)

      Mr. Salman Ahmed Khan (National Information Technology Board (NITB), Ministry of IT & Telecom) [Presentation​]

      1415-1500 Session 12: Digital Transformation Strategy in Australia 
    • Country overview of Australia
    • Digital transformation in Australia
    • ​What other countries can learn from Australia

      Mr. Peter Argent [Presentation]

[Tea / Coffee]

1530-1615 Session 13:

Digital Strategies in Malaysia

    • Malaysia country overview
    • Digital transformation in Malaysia
    • What other countries can learn from Malaysian Digital Transformation 


Miss. Aiza Zeyati Mohamed Zamani (Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia) [Presentation​]

​1615-1700 Session 14 (a): Digital Transformation Strategy in Iran 

    • Iran country overview
    • Challenges, opportunities and success stories
    • ​​What other countries can learn from Iran's digital transformation

       Mr. Jamal Sophieh and Mr. Hamidreza Nikoofar (Ministry of Information and Communication Technology)​ [Presentation​]

Session 14 (b): MCI, Moving towards Digital Reinvention

Mahdi Gheinaghi, Member of Board of Dir​ectors

Seyed Yaser Dibaji, GM of Strategy Development and Research [Presentation​]

8 July

0900-1000 Session 15: Innovation in the Workplace

      • ​What is a culture of innovation?
      • Tools of an innovative workplace
      • Cultivating the innovative culture
      •  ​TEAM CHALLENGE: Devise a plan for innovation in your workplace

Mr. Peter Argent [Presentation]

1000-1030 Session 16: Digital Transformation Imperative: Transitioning Traditional Industries to a Next-Generation Operating Model in the Age of Disruption

​​​[Tea/Coffee Break]

1100-1230 Session 17: Creating Opportunities with Digital Skills

    • Collaboration between government, universities, ICTs and citizens
    • Technology skills for business and employment growth
    • Investment in community technology hubs for social impact
    • TEAM CHALLENGE: Devise a plan for creating opportunities in your community

       Mr. Peter Argent

1330-1500 Session 18: Introduction to Mobile Application Development 

      • Why develop Mobile applications?
      • Different Smartphone platforms available
      • Native VS Web Apps VS Hybrid Apps
      • Demand for Mobile Apps in Iran
      • Bhutan and Sri Lanka Case study

        Mr. Shahryar Muhammad Khan

[Tea/Coffee Break]

1530-1700 Session 19: The Value of Design (Thinking)

      • What is design thinking and why is it valuable?
      • Overview of design methodologies
      • ​TEAM CHALLENGE: Design thinking challenge

        Mr. Peter Argent and Mr. Shahryar Muhammad Khan​ [Presentation​]

9 July

​0900-1030 Session 20: Technology Design Process

    • Business model design
    • User experience design
    • Lean & Agile methodologies
    • TEAM CHALLENGE: Business Model Canvas

      Mr. Peter Argent and Mr. Shahryar Muhammad Khan

[Tea/Coffee Break]

1100-1230 Session 21: MINI HACKATHON Begins: Innovation for Iran's Digital Transformation

Teams will do the following:

Introduction and instructions for hackathon

Identify community challenges to be solved

​Team formation and ideation


Mr. Peter Argent and Mr. Shahryar Muhammad Khan

1330-1500 Session 22: MINI HACKATHON Continued: Innovation for Iran's Digital Transformation

​Teams will:

Design their solution
Validate with potential end users
Define a minimum viable product

Develop a simple prototype

Mr. Peter Argent and Mr. Shahryar Muhammad Khan

[Tea/Coffee Break]

1530-1700 Session 23: MINI HACKATHON Continued: Innovation for Iran's Digital Transformation

Teams will:

●       Plan the remaining development using Lean and Agile methods

  1. Prepare a presentation of the solution


Mr. Peter Argent and Mr. Shahryar Muhammad Khan


10 July

​​​0900-1030 Session 24: MINI HACKATHON Final: Innovation for Iran's Digital Transformation

Teams will:

    • ​Have some time for final preparations
    • Have 5 Minute presentations by each team

Mr. Peter Argent and Mr. Shahryar Muhammad Khan

1030-1100 [Tea/Coffee Break]

1100-1230 Session 25_1:DT Case Studies in Iran

Smart Tehran (City)

Mr. Mohammad Farjood (Tehran Municipality ICT Organization), 

​​Session 25_2:DT Capacity Building

Soft Skills as DT Driver 

Ms. Farzaneh Abolfazl 

12:00-13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 14:00 Closing ceremony

14:00-17:00 Site visit