09:00-09:30 Registration
09:30-10:00 Opening
10:00-10:30 Group photo and Coffee break
10:30-12:30 Session 1: Introduction to Cross-border Frequency Coordination
Speaker: Mr. Istvan Bozsoki, Head, Spectrum Management and Broadcasting Division, ITU/BDT
Corss-border Frequency Coordination - Introduction
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- Why cross-border frequency coordination is important?
- Cross-border frequency coordination - for what, when and with whom?
- What is the purpose of cross-border frequency coordination
- How to minimize/mitigate radio interference
- Obligations of countries before putting a station into operation
Speaker: Mr. Aamir Riaz, Programme Officer, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
A Cross-border Frequency Coordination Agreement
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- Where does Coordination stand in National Licensing workflow
- What principle to apply for Coordination
- What to consider in a regional/multi-lateral cross border co-ordination agreement
12:30-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:20 Session 2: Frequency Coordination - procedures, Advantages and Disadvantages
Speaker: Mr. Aamir Riaz
Advantages and Disadvantages
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- Advantages of Coordination
- How coordinated use of Monitoring infrastructure could help
- Disadvantages of coordination
Speaker: Mr. Tobias Schnetzer, Expert, Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), Germany
The Procedure
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- Coordinate request, how and what to send, deadlines
- Assessment of possible interference, agreement (without/with reservations) or disagreement, possible field strength measurements
- Notification on usage of preferential frequencies
- Exchange lists of coordinated assignments
15:20-15:40 Coffee break
15:40-17:00 Session 3: Administrative Classification of Frequencies
Speaker: Mr. Tobias Schnetzer
Administrative Classification of Frequencies
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- Frequencies requiring coordination
- Preferential frequencies
- Frequencies for planned radio networks
- Frequencies used on the basis of geographical network plans
- Frequencies used on the basis of arrangements between operators
- Preferential Frequency Agreements - Advantages and Disadvantages
Speaker: Mr. Istvan Bozsoki
Data Requirements and Structure
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- What data are required for different type of services
- Data features
- Structure of the data exchange
- Media for data exchange