ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

1st ITU-D Academia Network Meeting - Programme


​​​​1st ITU-D Academia Network Meeting


(Geneva, 11th September 2015)​​

ICT Discovery ​​

Session 1 - ITU Journal


Session Lead​​er: Professo​r Ahmad Sharafat, Chairman​, ITU-D SG 2

The participation of Academia in Study Groups and their contrib​utions to the work and conferences of the ITU is often not recognized by Universities as academic publications. Hence a recognized journal would h​elp foster the participation of Academia and provide them with a channel for such quality publications. ITU mandate offers potential for technical, policy, socio-economic and market development research and articles, to name but a few. The ITU-T started a similar initiative that can inspire this work (Kaleidoscope).

Such a Journal would require an Editorial Board, to be run by the Academia themselves inter alia. It should be composed of members with strong academic qualifications and should be ensured a proper level of independence to ensure quality. For some specific editions, a main editor could be invited as well.

The scope of the ITU Journal should not be limited to a single aspect of telecommunications/ICTs but cover the broader challenges and issues in converged ICT ecosystem.

Session 2 - Global Exchange Platform

Global Exchange

Sessio​n Leade​r: Dr. Supong Limtanakool, E​xecutive VP for External Affairs, Bangkok University

​​Practice shows that insufficient or poorly targeted digital literacy, in particular for younger generations, has become an issue and hinders access to job markets, in particular for leaders and managers to be.

The purpose of the Glob​al Exchange Platform (ITUD-GXP) is to exchange best practices and foster collaboration among Academia members with a view to design harmonized and well-adapted curricula, also in the field of applied telecommunications/ICTs, to exchange staff, faculty and students, to open a fruitful dialogue with the industry to assess future trends and needs in human capacity building and higher-level education.

Session 3 - Research Funding Mechanism and Platform

Research Funding Platform

Session Leader: Dr. Loretta ​​​Anania, Scientific Officer, DG Con​​​n​ect, European Commission

​​​​A recurring concern for Academia is the access to research funds. The purpose is to share experience in this domain and to identify potential mechanism and platform through which the ITU and potential funding partners such as EC could support its Academia members in their research for inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development through innovative public-private-academia partnership.


Research Funding Platform

​On the basis of the discussions, the Secretariat is preparing the meeting report. The date and venue of the 2nd ITU-D Academia Network meeting will be communicated to participants in due time​.



​​Houlin Zhao
Dr. Supong Limtanakool
Pr. Ahmad Sharafat
Chairman, ITU-D SG 2​​​
Dr. Supong Limtanakool
Executive VP for External Affairs, Bangkok University

Member States :
Delegation of Argentina, Autoridad Federal de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones
Delegation of China, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)
Delegation of Iran, Ministry of Information & Communication Technology
Delegation of Japan, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Delegation of Nepal, Nepal Telecommunications Authority
Delegation of Russian Federation, Radio Research and Development Institute
Delegation of Senegal, Ministère des Postes et des Télécommunications
Delegation of Sudan, National Telecommunications Corporation
Delegation of the United States of America, Federal Communication Commission

ITU-D Sector Members
Alcatel-Lucent International
European Broadcasting Union
African Civil Society for the Information Society (ACSIS)

ITU-D Associates — Study Group 2
International Telecommunication Academy