ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

1st ITU-D Academia Network Meeting

​​​​​​​​1st ITU-D Academia Network Meeting

Building Together the IT​​U-D Academia Network

(Geneva, 11th September 2015)​​

Academia Network Meeting Participants ​​​​​​​


Academina Network

​​Following a previous informal meeting of Academia representatives in April 2015 as well as numerous bi-lateral discussions, ITU ​Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) held the 1st ITU-D Academia Network Meeting (ITUDANM-1) on 11th September 2015, as a side-event to the 2nd Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 2, with a view to enhance ITU-D membership, Academia members in particular.


20770321284_255d891cc3_z.jpgThe results to be achieved and final objective of the Academia Network were:
  1. To provide ITU Academia representatives a forum to discuss their specific goals, objectives, projects and issues in the framework of their participation in the work of the ITU;
  2. To provide ITU Academia representatives a platform to exchange best practices, share experiences and success stories to help them better serve the needs of their respective communities in terms of socio-economic development and sustainable development goals.
  3. To sustain the efforts of Academia in fostering academic research in the field of telecommunications/ICTs in accordance with the mandate of ITU-D and specifically Study Groups.
  4. To provide Academia and other ITU stakeholders with a networking platform to share quality scientific, academic and managerial knowledge in the field of telecommunications/ICTs.​

Main Themes

21205181468_7b8940c986_z.jpgIn order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives with a series of preliminary deliverables and their associated road-maps for implementation, three main themes were addressed during the 1st ITU-D Academia Network Meeting: ITU Journal, Global Exchange Platform, and Research Funding Mechanism and Platform​​(see Programme)

Way Forward

​The Secretariat is finalizing the meeting report with associated agreements and conclusions. The Report will be circulated to all participants and ITU-D membership. A 2nd ITU-D Academia Network meeting is planned to take place in  2016​.​​




​​Houlin Zhao
Dr. Supong Limtanakool
Pr. Ahmad Sharafat
Chairman, ITU-D SG 2​​​
Dr. Supong Limtanakool
Executive VP for External Affairs, Bangkok University

Member States :
Delegation of Argentina, Autoridad Federal de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones
Delegation of China, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)
Delegation of Iran, Ministry of Information & Communication Technology
Delegation of Japan, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Delegation of Nepal, Nepal Telecommunications Authority
Delegation of Russian Federation, Radio Research and Development Institute
Delegation of Senegal, Ministère des Postes et des Télécommunication​s
Delegation of Sudan, National Telecommunications Corporation
Delegation of the United States of America, Federal Communication Commission

ITU-D Sector Members
Alcatel-Lucent International
European Broadcasting Union
African Civil Society for the Information Society (ACSIS)

ITU-D Associates — Study Group 2
International Telecommunication Academy