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Least Developed Countries & SIDS
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ITU Publications, reports & news on the LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS
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Small island developing states (SIDS) and ICTs - Mid-term review of the Samoa Pathway (2019)
Economic impact of broadband in LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS (2019)
Digital Skills Insights (2019)
Maximising availability of international connectivity in the Pacific (2018)
. This report builds on the 2017 ITU Report Maximizing availability of international connectivity in developing countries; strategies to ensure global digital inclusion, and a workshop on Enhancing Access to submarine cables for Pacific Island Countries, organized together with the Pacific Island Telecommunications Association, with support from the Department of Communications and the Arts, Government of Australia, and the Department of Communications, Government of Fiji, to undertake a stock take of the existing and planned submarine cables connecting the Pacific Islands, provide some illustrative case studies, and identify common challenges for submarine cable projects in the Pacific Islands.
Measuring the Information Society Report (2018)
. This Report features key ICT data and benchmarking tools to measure the information society and includes valuable information and data on the LDCs. It also presents a quantitative analysis of the information society and highlights new and emerging trends and measurement issues.
Landlocked developing countries in the Americas region - Connectivity challenges and opportunities - Bolivia
(2018) (
also available in
Landlocked developing countries in the Americas region - Connectivity challenges and opportunities - Paraguay
(2018) (
also available in
ICTs, LDCs and the SDGs: Achieving universal and affordable Internet in the Least Developed Countries
Measuring the Information Society Report (2017).
This Report features key ICT data and benchmarking tools to measure the information society and includes valuable information and data on the LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS. It also includes the ICT Development Index (IDI), the global ITU benchmarking tool to track ICT developments, and the
IDI Data Visualization Tool
with comparisons and country cards for the LDCs. This year's MISR also features
ICT country profiles
, including for the majority of LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS.
Maximising availability of international connectivity in developing countries: Strategies to ensure global digital inclusion
This report considers the opportunities, strategies and policies that can assist countries, including LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDS, to address technical, economic, and policy constraints to develop an optimal international connectivity ecosystem.
ICT Facts and Figures 2017
. ITU’s latest ICT statistics, including the end 2017 estimates published in the ICT Facts and Figures, highlight continued growth in ICTs, including the LDCs. Find out more about
ICT developments in the LDCs
Measuring the Information Society Report (2016)
. This Report features key ICT data and benchmarking tools to measure the information society and includes valuable information and data on the LDCs. It also includes the ICT Development Index (IDI), the global ITU benchmarking tool to track ICT developments.
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Other Publications
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Propelling LDCs in the Digital Age: A 4IR Perspective for Sustainable Development
Review of United Nations system support for landlocked developing countries to implement the Vienna Programme of Action
Report of the UN Secretary-General Report on the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011–2020
. The report underlined that “While advances have been made in energy, ICT and transport infrastructure, progress has been slow and uneven across the least developed countries. This presents challenges for generating new dynamic activities characterized by higher value addition and technology content. The prospect for enhancing productive capacity in the least developed countries is even more challenging, given that emerging technologies are more capital- and skills-intensive, and this is therefore a source of concern. The least developed countries and development partners should encourage large-scale investment to build resilient infrastructure and adopt new technologies, including through public-private partnerships and financing from multilateral development banks.
UNDESA/Committee for Development Policy (CDP),
3rd Edition of the Handbook on the Least Developed Country Category: Inclusion, Graduation and Special Support Measures
. The Handbook provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on the LDC category, that includes a description of procedures and methodologies used in the identification of the LDCs as well as international support measures available to them.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD),
Least Developed Countries Report 2018: Entrepreneurship for Structural Transformation – Beyond Business as Usual
Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development,
Broadband for national development in four LDCs: Cambodia, Rwanda, Senegal and Vanuatu
, 2018 (pdf). The report outlines challenges and successes encountered by four countries and is a summary of the four reports prepared by the Broadband Commission’s Working Group on Broadband for the most vulnerable countries.
Internet Society (ISOC),
Ensuring Sustainable Connectivity in Small Island Developing States
, Geneva 2017 (pdf). This publication sheds light on the key connectivity issues for the small island developing states (SIDS) and to help share knowledge on potential strategies to address them for national and regional policy
makers, as well as decision-makers in international development assistance agencies.
Aid for Trade at a Glance 2017
(pdf). This publication, which focuses on inclusiveness and connectivity, and the special needs of LDCs, shows how and why trade connectivity is critical for inclusiveness, sustainable growth and poverty reduction. ITU contributed chapter 5, to highlight opportunities and challenges in ICT infrastructure, connectivity, access and use, especially in the LDCs. Download the
AfT at a Glance full report
(pdf), or the
AfT at a Glance pocket edition
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