Summary of discussions
Report by the Chairman
The Regional Preparatory Meeting for WTDC-17 for Asia and the Pacific (RPM-ASP) will take place in
Bali, Indonesia,
at the Padma Resort Legian
from 21 to 23 March 2017,
preceded by the Regional Development Forum for Asia and the Pacific
(RDF-ASP) on 20 March 2017. Both events are being organized at the kind invitation of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.
In line with Resolution 31 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010), the Regional Preparatory Meeting (RPM) aims at engaging the membership in the preparations of the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2017 (WTDC-17) in order to achieve regional coordination before the conference itself. It also seeks to identify issues at the regional level that need to be addressed to foster the development of telecommunications and ICTs, taking into account the most pressing needs faced by the Member States and Sector Members of the region.
Regional Development Forums provide an opportunity for high-level dialogue, cooperation and partnerships among telecommunication and ICT policy-makers, regulators, industry, academia, regional and international development agencies and organizations on specific regional telecommunication and ICT issues.
Preliminary drafts of the three key documents have already been prepared and discussed at the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG) and its Correspondence Group meetings in April 2015 and March 2016. These preliminary draft documents were then open for consultation and comments by ITU members until the end of June 2016.
On the basis of the comments received, editorial revisions were made to the preliminary draft Declaration. All three preliminary drafts will be submitted to the six RPMs for any further input. These documents can be found at:
Outcomes of RPMs will be consolidated at the inter-regional coordination meeting and discussed at TDAG 2017 in May. The outcomes of TDAG will be submitted to WTDC-17 as draft documents for consideration.