Council Committee for the preparation of the 150th Anniversary celebrations | All information and documents can be found
here |
Press releases about the 150th anniversary | |
Circular letters | - No. 8 (2015) Invitation to 150th Anniversary Celebrations
No. 4 (2015) ITU150 Awards
No. 1 (2015) ITU's 150th Anniversary: commemorative year in the history of the Union
No. 219 (2014) Call for activities organized by ITU membership to celebrate ITU's 150th Anniversary
No. 214 (2014) ITU's 150th Anniversary celebration. Academia engagement
No. 212 (2014) Invitation to contribute to ITU's 150th Anniversary Fund
No. 197 (2014) Invitation to get involved in ITU's 150th Anniversary Celebrations
No. 132 (2012) 150th Anniversary of the International Telecommunication Union