ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU's 150th Anniversary

itu150 website
Some of the content is no longer available or archived

The website contains new integrated features to showcase ITU 150 celebrations in Geneva and around the world, focusing on information and communication technologies (ICT) as drivers of innovation. An interactive ITU historical timeline will be included on the website to highlight key dates in ITU’s history from its founding on 17 May, 1865 until the present.

A special section of the website is dedicated to a story-telling campaign with a personal story around the theme of the month. Stories are supplemented with a diverse range of related content, including videos, podcasts, webinars, infographics, and social media.

“This new online platform shows ITU’s achievements over the last 150 years in an easy to access and interactive format,” said ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao. “It gives us the opportunity to look to the future of innovation with ICTs as well as the contributions of our membership in connecting the world.”


Information on ITU150 for ITU Members 

Resource Mobilization Campaign


Resource Mobilization Campaign:
With reference to Council Resolution 1367, ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academia are invited to contribute to Fund for the Anniversary according to the resource mobilization plan.​​​​​​

Message from ITU Secretary-General


" This year, 2015, marks the 150th anniversary of the International Telecommunication Union. Established in 1865, ITU has reaffirmed its reputation worldwide as one of the most resilient and relevant organizations and continues its work as the specialized agency of the United Nations, and its oldest member, dealing with state-of-the-art telecommunications and information and communication technologies."
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