Work item | Question | Equiv. Num. | Status | Timing | Approval process | Version | Liaison relationship | Subject / Title | Priority |
TR.dw-lasf | Q14/17 | | Under study | 2025-09 | Agreement | Rev. | - | Technical report: A landscape analysis and security features for a digital wallet | - |
TR.gscim-dlt | Q14/17 | | Under study | 2026-06 | Agreement | New | - | Technical Report: Guidelines for security consideration for incident management by DLT service provider | - |
X.1400rev | Q14/17 | | Under study | 2025-03 | AAP | Rev. | - | Terms and definitions for distributed ledger technology | - |
X.dlt-ccs-fr | Q14/17 | | Under study | 2025-03 | AAP | Rev. | ITU-T SG16, SG20 | Security requirements and framework of cross-chain service for DLT systems | Medium |
X.dlt-dgi | Q14/17 | | Under study | 2025-Q4 | AAP | Rev. | ISO/TC307 | Security requirements of DLT gateway for interoperability | Medium |
X.dlt-share | Q14/17 | | Under study | 2025-09 | AAP | Rev. | - | Security requirements for data application software based on DLT to achieve statistics | Medium |
X.qsdlt-ca | Q14/17 | | Under study | 2026-03 | TAP | Rev. | - | Guidelines for building crypto-agility and migration for quantum-safe DLT systems | - | | Q14/17 | | Under study | 2025-04 | AAP | Rev. | - | Security controls for distributed ledger technology | Low | | Q14/17 | | Under study | 2025-09 | TAP | Rev. | - | Security guidelines for DLT-based digital collection services | - | | Q14/17 | | Under study | 2026-02 | TAP | New | ISO TC307, TC68 SC2 WG13, ITU-T SG3, SG16 | Security requirements for DLT-based invoices | Medium | | Q14/17 | | Under study | 2025-09 | TAP | Rev. | - | Security requirements for DLT data on permissioned DLT-based distributed power trading systems | - |