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ITU-T work programme

[2025-2028] : [SG17] : [Q14/17]

[Declared patent(s)]  - [Associated work]

Work item: X.dlt-ccs-fr
Subject/title: Security requirements and framework of cross-chain service for DLT systems
Status: Under study [Issued from previous study period]
Approval process: AAP
Type of work item: Recommendation
Version: Rev.
Equivalent number: -
Timing: 2025-03 (Medium priority)
Liaison: ITU-T SG16, SG20
Supporting members: China; China Unicom, ZTE Corporation, China Information Communication Technologies Group (CICT), Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT)
Summary: The DLT-based solutions are apt to decentralized environments and can enhance collaboration and coordination within multiple stakeholders. There are many DLT systems to provide diverse types of decentralized services as enabled by same or different DLT solutions. Those DLT systems are isolated usually with each other, and it is valuable to connect them through cross-chain services. DLT systems and cross-chain services are working in decentralized environments. The cross-chain services are based on DLT as well and may transfer data and transactions from one DLT system to other DLT systems and support them to interact with each other. Because involved in users’ data and transactions, there are many security risks and challenges to be considered for the cross-chain services. Therefore, it is valuable and importance to study security requirements and framework of cross-chain service for DLT systems in order to enhance the security level of the cross-chain service. This draft new Recommendation introduces a cross-chain service for DLT systems, and specifies its security requirements, framework and capabilities, and general procedures in aspects of security.
Comment: -
  Historic references:
Zheng Huang, Editor
Xiongwei Jia, Editor
Ziqin Sang, Editor
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First registration in the WP: 2023-03-06 14:19:33
Last update: 2024-09-17 16:38:20