Work item:
QoE influencing factors for high definition (HD) video customized alerting tone (CAT) services
[Carried to next study period]
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China Mobile Communication Corporation
The video customized alerting tone (CAT) service and video Customized Ringing Signal (CRS) are operator-specific services. Through video CAT service, the operator enables subscriber to customize the video that is played to the calling party during alerting of the called party. Through video CRS service, the operator enables subscribers to customize the media that is played to the called party as an incoming communication indication during establishment of a communication. 5G network has the advantages of high bandwidth and low delay that enables the video CAT or CRS to achieve high video quality alerting tone. HD video CAT or CRS service can provide high-definition, full-screen alerting tone with higher frame rate.
To understand whether QoE or user-perceived performance of the video CAT service is good or not, benchmarking is critical. The benchmarking aims to measure user-perceived performance or QoE in the environment. Compared with traditional video and audio, the short time experience in video CAT or CRS imposes a new set of requirements to QoE assessment. The challenge is to characterize video CAT’s real-life short video, terminal display strategy, and interactivity. This document will discuss HD video CAT and HD video CRS QoE in 5G network.
This supplement categorizes the Influencing factors that affect user-perceived experience of a HD video CAT or CRS service from four parts: video quality, audio quality, terminal display and CAT or CRS switch factors. Further QoE methodologies for assessing the video CAT or CRS can refer to this document.
Historic references:
ITU-T A.5 justification(s): |
First registration in the WP:
2021-05-18 10:44:52
Last update:
2021-11-03 15:49:41