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ITU-T work programme

[2017-2020] : [SG5] : [Q3/5]

[Declared patent(s)]  - [Publication]

Work item: K.91 Amd.1-Appendix VIII (ex Appendix VIII to K.91)
Subject/title: Manhole type base station
Status: Agreed on 2018-09-21 
Approval process: Agreement
Type of work item: Recommendation
Version: -
Equivalent number: -
Timing: -
Liaison: -
Supporting members: -
Summary: The new Appendix VIII provides an overview of the RF EMF exposure levels in the vicinity of the manhole type base stations. Such base stations are for small cells of 4G and 5G network installed in the ground, and have been developed to secure the communication area mainly in places where there are no suitable places for installation of antennas such as tourist spots and scenic spots.
Comment: -
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First registration in the WP: 2018-08-28 00:00:00
Last update: 2018-11-02 17:42:59